Unconstrained linear dimension



Workspace: Tool set

Unconstrained Linear

Unconstrained Linear Dimension

Fundamentals: Dims/Notes

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight: Basic and Dims/Notes

The Unconstrained Linear mode creates a dimension line with a single measurement.

To create an unconstrained linear dimension line with a single measurement:

Click the tool and mode, and then select a Dim Std (dimension standard).

Click to set the measurement start point.

Click to end the measurement.

Move the cursor away from the object to the desired offset location.

In a 3D view, the first two clicks determine the X axis of the plane where the dimension will be placed; move the cursor to rotate the dimension plane. The dimension plane can be horizontal or vertical to the layer plane, or aligned to adjacent faces of a 3D object being dimensioned.

Click to place the dimension line.


Unconstrained linear dimensioning


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