Arch02181.pngEnergos advanced project settings: Systems Ventilation pane

Specify all the parameters related to building ventilation on the Systems Ventilation pane.



Include Ventilation System

Includes the ventilation system in the energy calculations

System Type

Select whether the system is a Mechanical Heat-Recovery Ventilation (MHRV) or pure extract system

Operation Modes

Select a typical operation mode. The system list can be modified; see Specifying system sets.

System Design Results

Displays the results for the ventilation system; update the energy analysis calculations to view the latest system design results

System Selection

Select a ventilation system. The system list can be modified; see Specifying system sets.

Include Summer Ventilation

When summer ventilation involves different system operation or specifications, select the option and click Advanced to specify the parameters


Opens the Advanced Ventilation Settings dialog box, as described in the following section

Include Ventilation Distribution System

Includes the ventilation distribution system in the energy calculations; the ventilation system must already be included

System List

Select a ventilation distribution system. The system list can be modified; see Specifying system sets.

Automatic Estimation Based on Building Type and Size

Select this option to automatically estimate the distribution system’s ductwork length based on the building information

Manual Input

Select this option to manually enter the pipework and exhaust air duct length values

Specifying advanced ventilation system settings

When specific ventilation parameters are required, or summer ventilation requirements are different, set the advanced ventilation parameters.

To specify the advanced ventilation parameters:

From the Systems Ventilation pane, click Advanced. The Advanced Ventilation Settings dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



General tab



Determines whether air demand per person and extract air demand should be automatically calculated or use the manually entered value; enter the value if manual input is selected

Ground Source Heat Exchange Efficiency

Specifies the efficiency of the ground source heat exchange for the ventilation system

Summer tab

Specifies the summer ventilation parameters, which are taken into account when Include Summer Ventilation is selected on the Systems Ventilation pane. Windows that participate in summer ventilation also have advanced parameters to be set on the Window Settings - Energos pane as described in Window settings: Energos pane.


Select the summer ventilation system (manually or automatically controlled)

Inside Thermal Envelope

Indicates whether the summer ventilation system is within the thermal envelope and will be considered for energy calculations. If it is outside the building envelope, it is not part of the building energy balance calculation but it is still be part of the primary energy calculation since it uses energy.

Minimum Acceptable Indoor Temperature

This is the baseline from which the overheating maximum is calculated. In hot climate zones (depending on humidity) an 8 Kelvin temperature difference is usually acceptable and is referred to as cooler than the external environment. The cooling target baseline can be moved up without reducing comfort levels to the user.

Mechanical Ventilation

Specifies the air change rate information for the summer ventilation

Overheating Limit

Indicates the overheating temperature limit

With Heat Recovery

Select this option when the summer ventilation also includes heat recovery capacity

Spec. Capacity

Indicates the specific capacity of the actual building structure. The heavier a building (bricks and mortar, or concrete), the more energy the structure buffers during heat peaks.

Day GF/Day UF/Night

These tabs specify the manual cooling options (manually opening windows) for the ground floor and upper floor for a portion of the day, and for all floors at night

Fraction Of Operation

Indicates the percentage of time that the windows are open

Temperature Diff Interior - Exterior

Specifies the difference in temperature between the interior of the building and the outdoor ambient temperature

Wind Velocity

Indicates the speed of the wind coming through any open windows. The wind speed is normally 0 (zero) during summer nights as there is little temperature difference between the interior and exterior to generate non-mechanical wind.

Análisis de energía avanzado

Análisis de energía básico 

Energy analysis parameter dependencies

Energos results

Designación de objetos de dibujo como sistemas personalizados de Energos

Energos overview


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