DesignSeries00240.pngExporting in KML format



Export KML (3D only)

File > Export

The Export KML command exports 3D drawing components to KML, the markup language used by the Google Earth application. The resulting file can then be opened in Google Earth, in order to provide a visualization of how a building fits into its intended environment, for example. KML models can also be uploaded and shared through the Trimble 3D Warehouse.

To export a KML file:

Select the command.

The KML Export Options dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Site Mapping

A 2D reference point on the object is mapped to specific Google Earth coordinates during export. If the file is georeferenced, the following mapping fields are filled in automatically and disabled.

Set Reference Point to Next Mouse Click/Set Reference Point to

To specify the reference point manually, select Set Reference Point to Next Mouse Click. Alternatively, to specify X and Y coordinates for the reference point, select Set Reference Point to and enter the appropriate values.


Enter the latitude where the model will be positioned in Google Earth, using DMS notation (for example, 39d 12m 34s N)


Enter the longitude where the model will be positioned in Google Earth, using DMS notation (for example, 76d 51m 44s W)

Page North

Enter the angle between the drawing’s Y axis and true north in DMS notation; positive angles proceed clockwise

Z Height Offset

Enter the difference between the Vectorworks active layer plane and the Google Earth ground plane

Objects To Export

Select the specific object types to be exported; leaving out unnecessary objects can reduce the KML file’s size

Layer(s) to export from

Select the design layers to export 3D objects from—either the active layer only, or all visible layers.

To export all design layers, first set the layer options to show all layers. If multiple layers are exported, in Google Earth, the Vectorworks layers are listed in the Places panel on the left side of the application window, and their visibilities can be controlled individually.

To export some (but not all) layers, create a new design layer from which to export. On the new layer, create a design layer viewport (Vectorworks Design Suite required; Vectorworks Fundamentals can create layer links as an equivalent) that shows only the layers to export. Then export that layer only. With this method, only one layer displays in Google Earth.

Set the export parameters.

Specify the export file name and destination.


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