DesignSeries02282.pngEditing slab styles

To edit a slab style:

From the Resource Manager, right-click on the resource, and select Edit from the context menu.

Alternatively, select Edit Style from the Style menu of the Object Info palette, or right-click on the slab and select Edit Slab Style from the context menu. For hardscape slabs, select Edit Main Slab Style or Edit Border Slab style to edit the main or border hardscape slab.

The Edit Slab Style dialog box opens.

Edit the slab and component parameters as described in Slab preferences and Creación de componentes de losa.

If a new slab style Name is specified, it replaces the selected slab style name (similar to selecting Rename from the context menu in the Resource Manager).

If slabs with that style already exist in the drawing, the Slab Replacement dialog box opens.

The slab style to apply cannot be selected (the edited style is applied).

Changes apply to any existing slabs in the drawing with the edited slab style, and will be used for any subsequent slabs created with that slab style.

Using slab styles

Creación de estilos de losa

Editing slab geometry


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