DesignSeries00266.pngManaging BCF information


Workspace: Path

Open BCF Manager

Architect: AEC

Landmark and Spotlight: Customize workspace to add command (see Personalización de los espacios de trabajo)

BIM Collaboration Format (BCF) allows collaborators to exchange comments between software applications without exchanging the entire BIM model. Issues, proposals, and change requests about a project are “topics” in the BCF file, linked to specific objects in the BIM model. The BCF file only contains comments; it does not modify the model. It can be used to navigate to issues in the model, respond to comments, create snapshots, assign issues, and resolve issues.

An alternative workflow to BCF is to open a direct connection between the Vectorworks file and Solibri Office for interactive real-time metadata exchange and object editing; see IFC data exchange with Solibri.

The Vectorworks program allows BCF files to be created, opened, modified, and saved.

There are two typical workflows that take advantage of BCF functionality.

If exchanging information from a colleague through IFC, import the IFC file into the Vectorworks program, and open the associated .bcfzip file. Navigate to the issues, add or change topics and comments, and save the .bcfzip file to return to your colleague.

In the Vectorworks program, create or open a model, and export it as an IFC project. Open it in Solibri Office for evaluation and presentation, and save comments, issues, and requests as a .bcfzip file. You or your colleague can then open the model and the .bcfzip file in the Vectorworks program; navigate to the issues, add or change topics and comments, and save the .bcfzip and any changes to the model.

To open or view, edit, and save a BCF file:

Open the Vectorworks file that is associated or will become associated with the BCF file.

For best results, the BIM model in the Vectorworks file should exactly match the version of the model that was used when the BCF file was created. An alert displays if this is not the case.

If you are creating a new BCF file associated with the Vectorworks file, and there is an issue, comment, or change request that becomes apparent while reviewing the Vectorworks file, select the related object.

Select the command.

The BCF Manager dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Creates a new BCF file that is associated with the current Vectorworks file, automatically clearing any displayed BCF information.

Save any unsaved changes before clicking New, or they will be lost.


Opens a BCF file related to the project, automatically clearing any displayed BCF information. Select the desired .bcfzip file from the Open BCF dialog box and click Open. If the model in the current Vectorworks file is different from the model the BCF file was created with, an alert displays.

When you open a BCF file, certain resources are added to the Vectorworks file.

Save any unsaved changes before clicking Open, or they will be lost.


Does one of the following, depending whether the BCF file already exists:

For a new file, saves the current BCF data as a .bcfzip or .bcf file of the selected Version. Specify the location to save the file; a new, untitled, associated Vectorworks file is automatically created.

For an existing file, saves any changes.


Closes the current BCF file, automatically clearing any displayed BCF information


Automatically displays the BCF version when opening a BCF file, and specifies the version when saving the BCF file


Displays the topics; select a topic to view associated comments

Filter Topics

Filters the topics according to the Status; Show Only Active displays topics with a status of Open or Assigned, and Show Only Resolved displays topics with a status of Resolved or Closed

Only show Topics assigned to me

Displays only topics assigned to you. Vectorworks identifies users by Username (the name each person uses to log into the computer).

Only show Topics for selected objects

Displays only topics associated with the current selection in the Vectorworks drawing

Topic List

Lists the topics according to any set filters. Each topic’s date (of creation or modification), title, status, type, priority, and phase displays. The topics are listed in the order of creation.

Double-click on a topic to switch the drawing view to the location of the topic. The related objects are selected, and the view is similar to the snapshot. To make it easier to see the selected objects, the classes and layers of unselected objects are hidden.

If the view does not show the correct objects, select View > Zoom > Fit to Objects to zoom in on the selected objects. Alternatively, click Fit to Objects from the View bar.

New Topic

Opens the New Topic dialog box, for adding a BCF topic as described in the following section

Edit Topic

Opens the Edit Topic dialog box, to edit the currently selected topic as described in the following section


Displays an image of the objects described in the selected topic; if a comment with an attached snapshot is selected, displays the snapshot.

If the snapshot was created in a different software application, it may not exactly match the view in the Vectorworks file.

Set Current Render Mode

Selects the render mode for the drawing, and switches to the drawing view associated with a selected topic

Comments on Selected Topic

All comments associated with the selected topic display; each comment’s date, abbreviated comment text, and author display in the list. The entire comment text for the selected comment displays below the snapshot.

New Comment

Opens the New Comment dialog box, for adding a new comment to the selected topic as described in the following section

Edit Comment

Opens the Edit Comment dialog box, to edit the currently selected topic as described in the following section.

Only the author can edit a comment. You cannot edit someone else’s comments.

Delete Comment

Deletes the currently selected comment.

Only the author can delete a comment. You cannot delete someone else’s comments.


Displays the full text of the selected comment

After editing or creating BCF topics and comments, save the information. Select the BCF Version, and then click Save.

Creating and editing BCF topics

New topics can be created for the Vectorworks model, and current topics can be edited.

To create or edit BCF topics:

From the BCF manager, click New Topic, or select a topic and click Edit Topic.

The New Topic or Edit Topic dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Topic Title

Enter a title for the topic that describes the issue or request


Displays the date that the topic was created or edited


Displays the author’s name; Vectorworks identifies users by Username, which is the name used to log into the computer

Assigned To

Enter the name (or email, etc.) of the person assigned to address the issue or request

Due Date

Specifies the date for the topic to be addressed


Enter a more lengthy description, providing more details than the title if necessary


Select a topic status


Select a topic category


Rank the topic by selecting a priority


Indicate the stage of construction for the topic


Select one or more labels for the topic by clicking in the first column. A check mark in the column indicates that the label will be applied. Click again to deselect the label.


Opens the New Label dialog box; enter the name of a custom label to add to the list


Deletes the currently selected label

Add custom items to the status, type, priority, or phase lists by selecting Edit List.

The Edit List dialog box opens. Add a list entry by pressing Enter to go to the next line and typing a new item; the custom entry becomes available for selection from the list.

Creating, editing, and deleting BCF comments

A selected topic can include comments and an associated snapshot.

Comments can only be edited or deleted by the author of the comment.

To add or edit a BCF comment:

From the BCF Manager, select a topic from the list of topics.

Comments that are already associated with the selected topic display in the Comments on Selected Topic area. Select one for editing and click Edit Comment. Create a new comment associated with the topic by clicking New Comment.

The New Comment or Edit Comment dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Displays an attached snapshot of the current drawing view, when one has been saved with the comment

Attach Snapshot

Attaches the drawing view to the comment as a snapshot


Enter or edit a comment about the topic

Store the selection of elements

For BCF version 2.1 and later, saves the current selection status of objects in the drawing along with the comment

If a snapshot was attached to a comment, it displays in the Snapshot area of the BCF Manager when the comment is selected.


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