DesignSeries00230.pngImporting a point cloud object



Import Point Cloud

File > Import

A point cloud object comprises a set of 3D data points captured from the surface of the real world using a 3D scanner. The object can be viewed interactively and transformed geometrically (including the zoom, scale, pan, rotate, flyover, and walkthrough functions), clipped into horizontal or vertical sections using the Clip Cube command, snapped to, measured and referenced for data, and placed into viewports. It provides an efficient and effective way to bring existing conditions into the design workflow.

Use the Clip Cube command to isolate points for selection and snapping.

Vectorworks Design Suite products import registered point cloud data in the .laz, .las, .pts, .e57, .xyz, and .ply file formats.


To import point cloud data:

Select the command.

Select the file to import.

Alternatively, click the file to import and drag it into an open Vectorworks file.

The Import Point Cloud Options dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Number of Points


Total in Source File

Static display of the total number of points in the point cloud object

Percentage to Import

Indicate what percentage of the total points in the source file to import; for percentages less than 100, a random sample of the available points is imported

Number to Import

Static display of the number of points to import, calculated from the Total in Source File and Percentage to Import.

The maximum number of points that can be imported for any one point cloud object is 35 million.


Specify the units of the points to be imported

Center Import on Internal Origin

Centers the point cloud on the internal origin, enabling a point cloud with large data point values to be displayed correctly (see Centrado del dibujo en el origen interno)

The import process automatically switches to a 3D view, using the default 3D render mode and projection specified in Vectorworks preferences (see Vectorworks preferences: 3D pane). The point cloud object’s Color Scale can be edited from the Object Info palette.

Because the Top/Plan view and render modes other than Shaded or Wireframe are unlikely to be used in a point cloud workflow, a low-resolution image displays for Top/Plan, and a simple wire box displays for the other render modes.

Edición de nubes de puntos


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