Preset rotation angles





Context menu

The rotate commands provide a number of ways to rotate objects in the screen plane without changing their base location in the drawing. Select one of the preset rotation angles or specify a custom rotation angle.

To rotate at a specified angle:

Select the object to rotate.

Select the command, and then select one of the preset rotations.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Rotate Left 90°

Rotates the selected object counter-clockwise 90° 

Ctrl+L (Windows)

Cmd+L (Mac)

Rotate Right 90°

Rotates the selected object clockwise 90°

Ctrl+Shift+R (Windows)

Cmd+Shift+R (Mac)

Rotate Each Left 90°

Rotates each selected object counter-clockwise 90° about its insertion point (or the center of its bounding box if no insertion point exists).

Grouped objects rotate individually.


Rotate Each Right 90°

Rotates each selected object clockwise 90° about its insertion point (or the center of its bounding box if no insertion point exists).

Grouped objects rotate individually.


Flip Horizontal

Flips the selected object horizontally about its center

Ctrl+Shift+H (Windows)

Cmd+Shift+H (Mac)

Flip Vertical

Flips the selected object vertically about its center

Ctrl+Shift+H (Windows)

Cmd+Shift+H (Mac)

Rotating objects


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