Merging record formats



Merge Record Formats

Tools > Records

The record fields, and associated data, from two record formats can be merged into one record format.

To merge two record formats:

At least two record formats must be present in the file. Select the command.

The Merge Record Formats dialog box opens.

Select the format to be merged from the Merge Record Format list.

The record fields from this record format will be merged, and this record format will be deleted.

Select the record format to receive the record fields that are merged.

The merged record fields are appended to the end of the receiving format’s record fields, in record format order. If there is a naming conflict and there are two fields with the same name, the transferred field name begins with an “_” (underscore). Any objects which had the first format attached now have the merged record attached instead. Any objects which already had the merged record attached now have the additional record fields included. The first Merge Record Format is deleted.

Creación de formatos de registro

Edición de formatos de registro


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