DesignSeries05388.pngEditing sketch styles




Sketch Options

View > Rendering

Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S (Windows)

Cmd+Shift+Option+S (Mac)

Edit the settings for the pre-defined sketch styles as needed. To create a custom sketch style, enter a unique name.

Sketch styles do not display in the Resource Manager until a sketch-related option is selected the first time.

To edit a sketch style:

Select the command.

The Sketch Options dialog box opens.

Select a style and click Edit.

The Sketch Style Editor dialog box opens. The preview graphic provides help with editing.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




If you edit a pre-defined style and change the name, a new style is created. The name must be unique within this file.

Edge Settings



Controls how much the sketched lines are offset from the true lines of an object; drag the slider to the right to increase the wobble


Controls the length of the sketch drawing strokes; a longer stroke distance increases the number of wobble points. Drag the slider to the right to increase the number of wobble points.


Controls the amount of wobble and stroke variation

End Point Settings



Extends sketched lines past their endpoints; drag the slider to the right to increase the overstrike distance


Shortens sketched lines before their endpoints; drag the slider to the right to increase the understrike distance


Controls the amount of overstrike and understrike variation

Alternatively, from the Resource Manager, right-click on the resource, and select Edit from the context menu. Sketch styles can also be deleted and/or replaced from the Resource Manager (see Eliminación o reemplazo de recursos).

Sketch rendering

Creación de estilos de boceto personalizados


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