DesignSeries02662.pngReshaping roof objects

A roof object can be reshaped in a 2D or 3D view with the Reshape tool. The roof edge, roof ridge, and roof slope can be changed.

The Reshape tool can be used in any view for basic roof shape editing; see Modos de remodelación bidimensional. However, the Reshape tool should be used in a 3D view to edit the roof edge and roof ridge location.

Five modes are available when both the Reshape tool and a roof object are selected in a 3D view.




Move Vertex

Adjusts the position of a selected roof vertex, constrained horizontally or vertically in combination with the Z-axis Constrain and XY Plane Constrain modes

Add Vertex

Adds a peak (vertex) to a roof

Delete Vertex

Deletes a roof peak (vertex)

XY Plane Constrain

In 3D Reshape mode, reshapes the roof object horizontally, constrained along the X and/or Y axes

Z-axis Constrain

In 3D Reshape mode, reshapes the roof object along the Z axis to change the height of a roof ridge or eave

Reshaping the roof along the X and Y axis



Tool set


XY Plane Constrain





- (hyphen)

To reshape the roof horizontally:

In a 3D view, select the roof object.

Click the tool and mode.

Position the cursor over a roof handle.

When the cursor is over a handle, the standard arrow cursor changes into an unfilled, four-way arrow.

Click-drag the handle to change the roof handle location, or enter specific X and Y distance values in the Data bar.


The roof edge, ridge, or eave handle location can be changed. The handle movement is constrained along the X or Y axis (the active layer plane); the height of the roof element cannot be changed in this mode.

Change the slope of a roof face by moving the ridge handle. If the reshape results in a roof slope that approaches or exceeds 90 degrees, you are prompted to create a gable wall if desired.


Click when the handle is at the desired location.

Reshaping the roof along the Z axis



Tool set


Z-axis Constrain



- (hyphen)

To change the height of a roof ridge or eave:

In a 3D view, select the roof object.

Click the tool and mode.

Position the cursor over a roof ridge or eave handle.

When the cursor is over a handle, the standard arrow cursor changes into two-way hollow arrow.

Click-drag the handle to change the roof handle location, or enter the specific Z axis distance in the Data bar.


The roof ridge or eave handle location can be changed. The handle movement is constrained along the Z axis (vertically); only the height of the roof element can be changed in this mode.

Click when the handle is at the desired location.

Adding a roof vertex



Tool set


Add Vertex





- (hyphen)

To add a vertex to a roof:

In a 3D view, select the roof for adding the vertex.

Click the tool and mode.

Position the cursor over one of the edge or eave handles.

The standard arrow cursor changes into a single-headed, filled arrow with shaded boxes on either side of the shaft.

Click-drag the cursor to add a vertex to the roof edge or eave.

Click when the vertex is at the desired location.

The roof is automatically reshaped to accommodate the new vertex.


Deleting a roof vertex



Tool set


Delete Vertex





- (hyphen)

To delete a vertex from a roof:

In a 3D view, select the roof with the vertex to be deleted.

Click the tool and mode.

Position the cursor over the eave vertex to delete.

The standard arrow cursor changes into a single-headed, filled arrow with a hollow diamond in the shaft.

Click the vertex.

The vertex is removed and the roof is reshaped to the remaining vertices.


Reshaping objects

Edición de objetos de cubierta


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