DesignSeries02645.pngUsing roof styles

A roof face or a roof object can be created as either an unstyled or styled roof. Using styled roofs facilitates drawing by saving the roof preference settings so that they can be easily applied to other roofs. Roof styles are resources that can be imported into other files and shared as office standards. Roof styles, textures, and hatches are provided in library files (a selected roof style and associated resources are automatically imported into the current file, and display in the Resource Manager).

Unused roof styles can be purged; see Purging items from a file.

Creación de estilos de cubierta

Edición de estilos de  cubierta

Aplicación de estilos de cubierta

Eliminación o reemplazo de estilos de cubierta en el Administrador de recursos

Replacing roof styles from the Object Info palette

Creación de componentes de  cubierta


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