DesignSeries02109.pngGSA data

The General Services Administration in the United States has set deliverables standards that require that projects be delivered in IFC format. In addition, they require that certain additional GSA-specific data be included with spaces.

To specify GSA data for a space object:

Select an existing space object.

In the Object Info palette, click Settings to open the Space Settings dialog box.

Select the Advanced Settings pane, and then click Enable GSA.

Select the Occupancy pane, and then click GSA Occupancy.

The GSA Occupancy dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select the federal agency classification for the space by its function; to see the subclasses beneath a heading, click the disclosure arrow to the left of the heading

Space Category

Select the GSA category for the space; the numeric code for the category displays to the left

Space Type

Select the GSA code that describes the usage of the space; a description of the code displays to the right


Select the federal agency code and name for the organization that will occupy the space; to see the subclasses beneath a heading, click the disclosure arrow to the left of the heading

Enter the GSA data for the space object.

When the drawing is complete and all required GSA data has been entered, select File > Export > Export IFC Project to save the file in IFC format.

GSA spatial program BIM requirements

A GSA spatial program BIM has some specific modeling requirements. Use the following guidelines to create an optimal IFC export from the Vectorworks program, that is compatible with all GSA guidelines and standards.


Reduce, eliminate, or deactivate (by hiding appropriate classes) the 3D components of objects that do not contribute to the spatial definition of the model. While the IFC data format does support a number of “non-spatial” or “non-structural” items, they are not required for the current GSA spatial program BIM.

Ensure that all wall intersections are correctly configured, so that an automatically bound space object can properly detect room extents.

Ensure that all space objects have the following settings in the Object Info palette:

2D Boundary Display (2D Boundaries and Area section) is set to “Net Boundary”

Show 3D (3D Boundaries section) is enabled

The Volume Display of the 3D boundary is set to “Net,” and the height is set to properly represent the full height of the space, either manually, or based on story-aware settings

Columns and pilasters

The GSA requires a “net” space boundary that wraps around pilasters and free-standing concrete columns, excluding them from the area calculations. However, the space boundary should not wrap around steel columns, or columns embedded in a wall; these should be ignored.

To create a GSA BIM-compatible vertical support, use either the Pilaster tool (Vectorworks Architect required) or the Column tool. A pilaster must be set to Architectural, or Structural and Architectural, to comply with GSA requirements. A column is restricted to symmetrical square or oval plan geometry. The space boundary will wrap around the extents of these structures.

Columns that are exposed steel wide flanges or H-shapes do not need to be excluded from the GSA BIM area. If a structural steel column is required, use extruded plan geometry inside a hybrid symbol to create the column; the column will be recognized as 3D geometry, but it will not be excluded from the GSA BIM area in the space object.


Per GSA guidelines, a shaft that has a floor penetration greater than nine square feet should be designated as its own space.

If this shaft is bounded completely by walls, simply create a space object inside the shaft. If the shaft is not bounded by walls, use the Wall tool’s <Virtual wall> style to create a boundary; once the shaft is surrounded with virtual walls, create spaces in the room and shaft.

Space settings

Creación de espacios con la herramienta Espacio

Diseño de columnas y pilastras


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