Managing multiple documents

Up to eight files can be open at once in the program. The Windows and Mac interfaces have different features and commands for managing multiple documents.

Windows document tabs

A tab for each open document displays above the View bar.

To hide the tabs temporarily, deselect Window > Show Document Tabs.

To rearrange the order, drag and drop a tab to a different location.

To make another document active, do one of the following:

Click the document’s tab.

Click the disclosure arrow on the right side of the tab bar and select the document’s name.

Select the document’s name from the bottom of the Window menu.

Use the standard Windows shortcut, Ctrl + Tab, to cycle through the open documents; if desired, use the arrow keys or the mouse to access the open palettes.

Mac document tabs

Document windows dock to the Vectorworks application window, so that a tab for each open document displays above the View bar. You can undock a particular document, or disable docking entirely. An undocked document displays as an independent window with its own View bar and Tool bar.

To hide the document tabs temporarily, deselect Window > Show Document Tabs.

To make another document active, click the document’s tab or window, or select the document’s name from the bottom of the Window menu. Alternatively, use the standard Mac shortcut, Cmd + ~ (tilde), to cycle through the open documents.

To undock a document window, drag the document tab out of the tab area, or select Window > Undock Current Document. To redock a window, drag the title bar of the document to the tab area. When the background is highlighted in blue, release the document.

To prevent a document window from docking, hold down the Option key while dragging the document near the tab area.

To disable docking of document windows (and palettes), deselect Window > Use Application Window.

Acoplamiento de paletas


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