Vectorworks Migration Manager



Migration Manager


The Vectorworks Migration Manager helps with the transition to a new version of the software. Use the Migration Manager to quickly and easily migrate data from your user folder to the new version. User data includes custom workspaces, template files, library files, favorite files, Vectorworks preferences, and saved settings.

The first time the Vectorworks program launches after installation, it automatically checks for previous versions of Vectorworks installed on your machine. If it finds any instances of Vectorworks version 2009 or later, you have the option of launching the Vectorworks Migration Manager. In addition, you can open the Migration Manager at any time after installation.

To open the Vectorworks Migration Manager:

If launching a new version of Vectorworks for the first time, click Yes when prompted to migrate your user data. Otherwise, select the command at any time.

The Vectorworks Migration Manager dialog box opens.

Read about the Migration Manager process, and then click Next.

Select the location of the user data to be migrated, and the location where it will be migrated. By default, the most recent previous version of the Vectorworks user data is set as the migration source, and the output is set to that of the version that launched the Migration Manager. Click Next.

The preferences, workspaces, template files, favorite files, and library files in the migration source folder are listed for selection. Select All User Data to migrate all data, or select specific items to migrate. Click Next.

If third-party products were installed using the Install Partner Products command, they can also be migrated, if they are available for the new Vectorworks version (see Acceso a productos externos).

If workspaces are to be migrated, select the migration options and click Next.

Customized keyboard shortcuts can be preserved with the workspace; if this option is deselected, the keyboard shortcuts from the new version are used.

The new version’s menu commands and tool items can be automatically added to your custom workspace’s menus and tool sets; this option is recommended. The migrated workspace may not contain the needed location for new items; in that case, new tools are placed in a New Tools tool set, and commands are placed in a New menu. You can verify the proper location for the new items by looking at the default workspaces or by referring to the online help system. If this option is deselected, you will need to use the Workspace Editor to manually add new commands and tools to the migrated workspaces.

If you skipped a Vectorworks version, only the menu commands and tool items from the new version are added to a custom workspace. Commands and tools from the skipped version are not included.

Tools and commands that are considered legacy in the new version can be automatically removed from the migrated workspaces; this option is recommended.

To review or change any migration settings, click Back. When ready, return to the final pane and click Migrate.

If a migrated workspace has the same name as an existing workspace, the -Migrated suffix is appended to the name. When there is a naming conflict for any other migrated file except preferences, the original file receives an -Original suffix that is automatically incremented if necessary.

When preferences are migrated, the existing identical Vectorworks preferences are overwritten. Tool preferences and dialog box sizes and locations are not migrated.

Template files, favorite files, and library files are automatically converted to the new version.

When the migration is complete, the results display. Click View Report to view a detailed migration report. The report is saved as a .txt file in the migration output folder.

Click Finish.


Vectorworks preferences: User Folders pane

User data and preferences folder


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