DesignSeries05168.pngModifying section viewports and section lines

Section viewports can be modified, cropped, annotated, and updated, similarly to sheet layer viewports. See Modifying viewports and Updating viewports .

The appearance of a section viewport, including an interior elevation viewport, can be completely customized, from the items it displays to the attributes of those items. Copies of a section viewport on a sheet layer can look completely different. Changes to a section viewport’s appearance can be made by several methods; after changes are made, update the section viewport by clicking Update from the Object Info palette.




Change the section view

Click Advanced Properties from the Object Info palette of a selected section viewport, and modify the section view from the Extent tab

Propiedades avanzadas de encuadre de sección

Change the view attributes

Click Advanced Properties from the Object Info palette of a selected section viewport, and modify the attributes of the view from the Attributes tab

Propiedades avanzadas de encuadre de sección

Change the view direction of the section line

(not available for interior elevation viewports)

Click Reverse Direction from the Object Info palette of a selected section viewport

Viewport properties

Change the cross section appearance for sectioned items

(not available for interior elevation viewports)

The cross section appearance is set by the Section Style class. Edit the class to change the appearance of sectioned items. If the Section Style class is made invisible, the cross sections are not displayed.

Setting class properties

Override the layer settings from the design layer

Click Layers from the Object Info palette of a selected section viewport, and override the layer properties.

Unlike a regular sheet layer viewport, the design layer stacking order in the section viewport cannot be changed.

Cómo cambiar las propiedades de capa de los encuadres de lámina o de capa de diseño

Override the class settings from the design layer

Click Classes from the Object Info palette of a selected section viewport, and override the class properties of “by class” objects

Cómo cambiar las propiedades de clase de los encuadres de lámina o de capa de diseño

Change the location of the section line

Change the location of the section line with the Selection tool, and update the section viewport

Modifying section lines graphically

Create a vertical section viewport from an unlinked section line

(not available for interior elevation viewports)

Select the unlinked section line and then select the Create Section Viewport command, or click Create Section Viewport from the Object Info palette

Creación de encuadres de sección  vertical

Add additional section line instances to design layers or viewports

(not available for interior elevation viewports)

Click Section Line Instances from the Object Info palette of a selected section viewport, and specify the design layers or viewports where section line instances should display

Section line instances

Change the section line length, position, or type

Change the section line with the Selection tool or the Reshape tool, and update the section viewport

Modifying section lines graphically

Change the depth of a finite section

The depth can be changed graphically or by modifying the Depth Range in the Advanced Properties of the section viewport

Modifying section lines graphically or Propiedades avanzadas de encuadre de sección

Modifying section lines graphically

Modifying viewports

Viewport properties

Viewport status

Updating viewports 


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