Importing USD files



Import USD (3D only)

File > Import

Universal Scene Description (USD)® is a 3D format commonly used for 3D model exchange and collaboration. The Import USD command allows users to import USD geometry, textures, and metadata into the current design layer. 

To import a USD file: 

Select the command and then the file (.usd, .usda, .usdc, or .usdz) to import.

The Import USD Options dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide parameters.Click to show/hide parameters.



Create textures

Creates Renderworks texture resources from imported USD materials, including plain color fill textures when Create textures for colors is selected; when deselected, a color fill attribute is used 

Import as symbol

Imports the file contents as a symbol definition in the Resource Manager; see Resource Manager and Concept: Vectorworks symbols

Re-scale units per meter

The units per meter is determined automatically if the value exists in the imported file. This option overrides the imported file value; enter the Units per meter.

Offset imported model

Offsets the imported model from the X/Y/Z coordinate values; enter the offset distances

Redefine up axis

The up axis is determined automatically if the up axis property exists in the imported file. This option redefines the model's up axis; select whether the up axis is Y or Z.


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