Editing parametric constraints

When a constrained object is deleted, the parametric constraint attached to it is also removed. To remove the constraint without removing the attached object, use the Edit Constraints command.

A situation may arise where the value of a dimensional constraint needs to be changed. A wall with a horizontal distance constraint value of 2' 6" may at a later point in the project need to be changed to 5' 6". This type of edit is also accomplished using the Edit Constraints command.

Individual constraints can be selected from a list of all constraints currently applied to a selected object. The selected constraint changes color to indicate which one is about to be edited. Geometric constraints, where appropriate, along with changing the constraint color, also show the connection between the two constrained objects for clarity.

Constraint errors related to editing operations that conflict with current constraints are solved by either removing the constraint, or canceling the editing operation.

Deleting parametric constraints

Changing a dimensional constraint value

Parametric constraint errors


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