SpotlightReplacing truss type


Workspace: Path

Replace Truss Type

Design Suite: Entertainment > Rigging/Braceworks

Spotlight: Spotlight > Rigging/Braceworks

If a truss line or system was designed with a truss type that is not currently available in the inventory, the type can be replaced with a type that is available.

Since a truss system consists of truss lines all of the same type, all of the truss lines in the system (or all trusses in a truss line) are replaced by this command, even when just one truss is selected. Sufficient inventory is required to make a replacement, so ensure that the inventory is up to date by Managing truss inventory.

To replace the truss type:

Select a truss in a truss line or a truss system.

All trusses of this type within the line or system will be replaced.

Select the command.

The Replace Truss Type dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Select Truss Type

Selects the replacement truss type


Maps the replacement for each truss length in the line or system. On the left, the current type is listed; on the right, the replacement is listed. Only straight truss sections automatically get a replacement; corner or circular truss type replacements must be manually selected.

Select Corner/Circular Truss

Replaces the selected circular or corner truss. From the Resource Selector, double-click a different circular or corner element to apply it.

Alignment Option

Specifies the alignment for the replacement truss type; normally, the bottom of the trusses align so that attached loads retain their positions


Select either top or bottom for aligning the replacement truss type


Adds an additional offset distance for alignment to the top or bottom


Shows how the replacement truss type (in red) aligns to the current truss type (in black)

Select the replacement Truss Type from the list.

The Replace with mapping occurs automatically for straight truss sections when sufficient inventory exists.

If there are no replacements available in inventory for any given section, the truss type replacement cannot occur.

For circular or linear truss elements, automatic mapping cannot occur. Select each element and choose its replacement from the Select Corner/Circular Truss Resource Selector.

Select a Top or Bottom Alignment Option for the replacement, and specify an Offset if needed.

Replacing trusses

Concept: Creating a connected rigging system


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