Measuring in degrees

The Protractor tool measures angles in the drawing, and temporarily displays the degrees measurement in the Data bar. There are two modes for the tool.



Angle from Two Segments

Calculates the angle between two objects or object sides that are linear—rectangles (including rounded and rotated), lines, polylines, and polygons. This mode cannot measure circles, ovals, or arcs, and it cannot measure between parallel lines.

Angle from Three Points

Measures an angle between three points in the drawing area

Angles between objects or object sides



Workspace: Tool set

Angle from Two Segments


Fundamentals: Dims/Notes

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight:
Basic and Dims/Notes

To measure the angles between objects or object sides:

Click the tool and mode.

Move the selection arrow over the first side of the angle to measure.

Click to select the side, and then move the cursor to the other angle side.

The angle displays in the Data bar.

Note the angle, and then click to end the measurement.

Angles between three points



Workspace: Tool set

Angle from Three Points


Fundamentals: Dims/Notes

Architect, Landmark, Spotlight:
Basic and Dims/Notes

To measure angles between three points:

Click the tool and mode.

Click to set the first point.

Click to set the second point.

Move the cursor to the third angle point.


The angle displays in the Data bar.

Note the angle, and then click to end the measurement.

Measuring distance


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