ArchitectDesignating drawing objects as custom Energos systems

Energos contains comprehensive sets of ventilation, heating, cooling, and hot water systems, with associated data. However, drawing objects can also be designated as systems, allowing you to draft your own systems while ensuring that they have the appropriate attached data. The objects can then be saved as symbol definitions, where they are available from the Resource Manager.

These custom objects and symbol instances, once placed in the drawing, can be selected as a system from the Project Settings Systems panes.

To designate a drawing object as an Energos system:

Select the applicable Energos record format from the Resource Manager (in the Energos default folder), and import it into the current file (see Resource Manager: Resource viewer pane for information on importing resources).

Select the object, and attach the Energos record format to it as described in Attaching record formats to symbols, objects, and materials.

If more than one Energos system record format is attached, the object is considered as a multi-functional system.

On the Data tab of the Object Info palette, click Edit Values to specify the system parameter values.

Create a symbol definition of the object if necessary, for reusing or sharing the custom system as a resource.

On the Data tab of the Object Info palette, click Energos Project Settings (or select AEC > Energos > Project Settings).

The Energos Project Settings dialog box opens.

Click the applicable Project Settings Systems pane. From the System list, select Drawing, and then from the second list, select the valid drawing object. The object displays with the specified name from the record format and also indicates the layer where it is present.

Creating symbol definitions

Concept: Records, reports, and schedules

Specifying system sets

Energos advanced project settings: Systems Ventilation pane

Energos advanced project settings: Systems Heating pane

Energos advanced project settings: Systems Cooling pane

Energos advanced project settings: Systems Hot Water pane


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