Design SuiteSlab properties

Edit the properties of a selected slab and its components from the Object Info palette. The fields in the Object Info palette are named similarly (but not always identically) to those in the Slab Preferences dialog box, and roughly reflect the order in which settings are entered in the dialog box, for ease of editing.

The slab parameters are described in Slab preferences. Only the parameters that are different are described here.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Displays the current slab style. You can convert the slab to unstyled or see Replacing slab styles from the Object Info palette or Editing slab styles.


Slab edges can be automatically bound by associated walls, they can be defined manually, or they can consist of some automatically bounded edges and some manually bound edges. See Concept: Automatically bounded and manual slab edges and Converting slab boundary associations.


Opens the Slab Components dialog box. For unstyled slabs, edits the slab components; for styled slabs, edits only the texture settings (see Creating slab components).

Edge Offsets

Opens the Edge Offsets dialog box, for independently Setting edge offsets

Slab Data

Opens the Slab Data dialog box to specify slab information (see the Data tab in Slab preferences)


Displays the slab area

Editing slab geometry

Creating slabs


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