Checking IFC models with Solibri

Solibri Inside



Solibri Inside

Window > Palettes > Web Palettes

Solibri® Inside is installed as a web palette within Vectorworks Design Suite products. This cloud-based tool helps you find and correct common BIM errors with clearance, operability, accessibility, and level of information. Checking the quality of the model during the design phase of a project reduces the risk of extra costs, delays, and rework.

To set up Solibri Inside:

Select the command to open the Solibri Inside palette.

 Alternatively, select Tools > Show or Hide Solibri Inside Palette (Design Suite and Architect workspaces only).

On the top right of the palette, click Login. Register, log in, and specify whether to use the free or premium plan.

You can use the default checks provided by Solibri with no edits, if desired. In this case, login and registration are not required.

To check an IFC model with Solibri Inside:

With the Vectorworks file open, select either command to open the Solibri Inside palette.

If you want to review or edit the checks available, log in and select Solibri Inside Editor from the menu at the top left of the palette. A browser window opens, showing the current settings for checks, rules, and targets. The options available depend on which plan you selected; edit the settings as needed.

From the web palette menu, select Checksand then select the check to perform.

The Export IFC Project dialog box opens; export the latest version of the model (see Exporting IFC projects). When the export is complete, the check begins automatically.

When the check is complete, a message displays on the palette, along with information about corrections needed. To correct issues, select one or more issues and then do one of the following:

Click Select in model to select the objects in the model and correct them right away.

Click Create issue to open the BCF Manager palette; the issues are added as topics to a BCF file, which you can save and use to make corrections later.

Select additional checks, if desired. For each subsequent check, specify whether to use the last exported IFC model or export a new model.

After all changes are completed, export the Vectorworks model to IFC for delivery.

Solibri Direct



Solibri Direct


Solibri Office has advanced data validation and model checking capabilities, which are typically used during the coordination phase of a BIM project to ensure model and data quality. If you have Solibri Office installed, you can establish a two-way live connection between Vectorworks and Solibri Office, to streamline the model checking process. The model views in both applications stay in sync, so you can quickly find and correct errors, and verify the corrections.

To check an IFC model with Solibri Office:

Export the file to IFC.

With the Vectorworks file open, select the command.

The Solibri Direct dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Solibri Installation(s)



Locates all installed versions of Solibri Office; the located versions populate the Locations list


If the search fails to locate all available Solibri Office versions, click Browse to manually select versions for inclusion in the Locations list


From the list, select the version to use for this connection.

If a new version is installed, click Search or Browse to add it to the list.




Launches the version of Solibri Office selected in the Locations list and completes the connection. If the file is saved with an established connection, the connection is saved with the file.


Ends the connection between Vectorworks and Solibri Office


When the programs are disconnected, opens the Options dialog box, to set how to connect the programs. Enter the Port for the communication endpoint, select whether to Use https or http for communication, and click Test

When Test is clicked, Vectorworks sends GET/ping, GET/about, and GET/status requests to Solibri Office; the response displays in the list browser to confirm that the connection is established.


Select the areas of interaction; this selection can be changed any time, without disconnecting and reconnecting to Solibri Office

View changes

Changes in the Vectorworks view and/or projection are immediately sent to Solibri Office, keeping the model views in sync. If not selected, the model is loaded in Solibri Office using the default Solibri view and camera settings, not the camera view and setting in Vectorworks.

Object changes

When an object is modified or deleted in Vectorworks, a partial model update is automatically sent to Solibri Office to update the object

Selection changes

When an object is selected in Vectorworks, it is automatically selected in Solibri Office. When multiple objects are selected in Vectorworks, the first object appears selected in Solibri Office; the entire selection comprises the contents of Solibri’s Selection Basket.

When an object is selected in Solibri Office, it is automatically selected and navigated to in Vectorworks. When the Solibri Selection Basket is changed to contain only one object, that object is selected in Vectorworks, without changing the Vectorworks model's layer and/or class visibilities.

Select the Solibri Office installation to use and click Connect. Solibri Office opens, with the IFC model loaded. 

Check the model in Solibri Office as desired.

Navigate to and modify the objects as needed in the Vectorworks model; both models reflect the changes.

After all changes are completed, export the Vectorworks model to IFC for delivery.

Exporting IFC projects

The BCF Manager palette


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