Design SuiteCreating IFC and COBie reports

Before you export an IFC project, create reports to check that drawing objects have appropriate IFC and COBie data associated with them. In the Vectorworks Architect product, use the Create Report command to add the following IFC reports to the drawing (see Using preformatted reports).

Objects with IFC Entity gives a count of IFC objects for each entity type on each layer. The object class, name, and type also display, if available.

Objects with IFC Entity - Specific lists each IFC object, broken down by entity type (walls, slabs, roofs, doors, windows, stairs, and columns). The object layer, class, name, and description also display, if available.

Objects without IFC Entity lists non-IFC objects. The object layer, class, type, and type name also display, if available.

Preformatted reports to create standard COBie worksheets are also available. For each COBie worksheet, a companion "help" worksheet is provided, which includes extra columns that display the source for each column of COBie data. These can help you locate and edit data errors.

To edit IFC or COBie data, edit the worksheet directly, and the drawing object will be updated accordingly; see Editing drawing objects from a worksheet.

Certain COBie values are provided automatically by the Vectorworks program, and therefore cannot be edited from a worksheet. In this situation, an alert displays in the Status bar.

Creating custom IFC and COBie reports

You can also create your own worksheets to report and check IFC and COBie data. Set the criteria of the database row to include the desired IFC entities. For each column of the database row, enter a formula to display the desired data.

The Formula bar syntax is similar to that for specifying record information. A record formula has two parts, separated by a period: the record name and the name of the field within the record to display.





An IFC or COBie formula has three parts instead of two, and there are three types of formulas:









To make it easier to enter formulas, an auto-complete feature displays the available entries for each part of a formula as you type. For example, to display an IFC property in a column, first enter =IFC and press the period key. The names on the list of IFC entities displays. Use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list until the desired entity displays. Press the Enter key, and the list of properties for that entity displays. Scroll through the list to display the desired property, and press Enter to complete the formula.


Using preformatted reports

Entering formulas in worksheet cells

Editing drawing objects from a worksheet


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