LandmarkAdding plants to the plant catalog

From the Select Plant Data dialog box (see Accessing the plant catalogs) plants can be added to the currently selected plant catalog. The plant data can be obtained online (internet access required) or from another local plant catalog. Once online data has been downloaded, it is available offline; however, images require an internet connection to display. Local catalogs are always accessible; if an internet connection is not available, previously accessed online catalogs display the most recently synced data.

To add plants to the current plant catalog:

From the Select Plant Data dialog box, select the plant catalog for the new plant.

Click Add.

The Add Plant dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Select the plants to use

Specify a local plant catalog or online source of plant data

Use filter

Displays the list of plants using the specified filter


Opens the Plant Filter dialog box. Specify how to filter the list of plants to see only the ones of interest.

Select the available filter parameters for each row of choices, and then select the comparison operator and the value. The operators support ranges, using the |_| delimiter; if a plant data value is defined as a range, and a value entered with the = operator is within the range, the plant is found. Using < with a value finds the lower range value, and > finds the upper range value.

Select existing to choose from a list that is derived from the plants in the catalog, or select custom to enter a value.

The "like" operator, for text, can use the * symbol to represent any set of characters, and the ? to represent any single character.

Specify additional options, adding a new row of filter choices by clicking More Choices. To remove the most recently added row, click Fewer Choices.


Lists the plants contained in the selected plant catalog; click < and > to navigate through the entire catalog

Plant Images

Displays images, if any, that are associated with the current plant. When the plant is added, the images are also added to the plant catalog.

Image credits

Displays any image credits and website location for the images


For online plant catalogs, displays the most recent date that the plant data was accessed online; if an internet connection is not available, this is indicated

Choose the plant’s source from the Select the plants to use list. Both local and online lists are available, depending on internet connectivity.

Select the plant to add. If images are available, they may take a moment to download temporarily for display.

Click OK to add the selected plant or plants to the plant catalog, and return to the Select Plant Data dialog box.

The plant data and any images are downloaded to the user folder.

Using plant catalogs

Importing plant catalog data from a spreadsheet

Setting plant data images

Concept: Plant style and plant data integration


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