Adding and editing resource tags

Tags are words used to help locate relevant resources with the search function; see Searching for a resource. When a resource with tags is selected in the Resource Manager, the tags display in the Data panel of the Preview pane.

To add or edit a resource tag:

From the Resource Manager, select the resource or resource folder to edit, and then right-click and select Add a Tag or Edit Tags from the context menu.

The Add a Tag or Edit Tags dialog box opens.

Enter each tag as it should appear; a tag can be more than one word (such as "office furniture"). Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac) to separate each tag.

To optionally include a hyperlink as a tag, do one of the following:

To display regular text that serves as a hyperlink, enter the display text followed by the URL inside double brackets: Green chair[[]]

To display the URL as a hyperlink, enter the URL inside double brackets: [[]]



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