Architect or LandmarkCreating a site model section


Workspace: Path

Site Model Section

Architect: AEC > Terrain

Landmark: Landmark

The Site Model Section command creates a profile or sectional view of the site.

To create a site model section:

Draw or select a 2D polygon or polyline to define the section alignment. In the Vectorworks Landmark product, if you are selecting a previously drawn polyline with station points (such as a road or Roadway (Poly) object), a station point profile can be created.


The polygon or polyline vertices must be contained within the limits of the site model.

With the polygon or polyline selected, select the command.

The Create Site Model Section dialog box opens. Specify the site model section parameters.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Create section on layer

Specify the layer where the section will be placed

Draw Background Grid

Draws a background grid; click the color box to specify the grid color

Draw Existing Site Profile

Draws a profile for the existing site model; click the color box to specify the profile color

Draw Proposed Site Profile

Draws a profile for the proposed site model; click the color box to specify the profile color

Draw Selected Station Profile

(Landmark required)

Draws a profile of the station points; click the color box to specify the profile color; this option is available only if a polyline associated with station points (such as a road) is selected

Station Points


Draw points at polygon vertices

If the selected polygon does not contain stake objects, creates station points at the polygon vertices; this option is available only if a station polyline is selected

Draw points at interval

If the selected polygon does not contain stake objects, creates station points at the specified interval

Draw points at existing stakes

(Landmark required)

When stakes exist along the profile polygon, station points are automatically created for the stakes; this option is available only if a polyline with station points (such as a road) is selected


Click to specify the section graphic formatting

Click Formatting.

The Site Model Section Formatting dialog box opens. Specify the formatting for the site model section graphic.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Display Scale Factor

Specifies the site model scale factor; the layer scale factor is entered by default

Vertical Magnification Factor

Sets an independent scale factor for the Y axis of the graphic

Vertical Margin

Specifies the distance, in page units, between the highest and lowest points in the graph and the graph margins

Horizontal Margin

Specifies the distance, in page units, between the graph start and end and the graph margins

Draw Legend Text

Indicates whether to create a legend for the graph; legend text is color coded to match the section profiles

Legend point size

Specifies the size, in points, of the legend text

Draw Elevations

Indicates whether to display the elevation of the profiles along the station points

Elevation point size

Specifies the size, in points, of the elevation text

Station Point Labels

(Landmark required)

Sets the type of label, if any, to apply to the station points on the background grid

Profile Line Weight

Specifies the thickness of the profile lines

Station Line Weight

Specifies the thickness of the station lines

Click OK to return to the Create Site Model Section dialog box.

Click OK to create the sectional view of the site. If the site model changes, the site model section needs to be recreated.


Calculating and displaying grade and elevation

Inserting stake objects


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