Architect or LandmarkCreating property lines with bearing and distance data



Tool set

Bearing and Distance


Property Line


Design Suite: Site Planning

Landmark: Site Planning and Dims/Notes

To create property lines using the bearing and distance of each line segment:

Click the tool and mode.

Click to set the starting point of the first property line segment.

A red bull’s-eye is placed on the drawing to mark the starting point; the Define Property Line dialog box opens.

Specify the segment parameters and click Add to update the drawing file. Continue to add or remove segments as needed.

Alternatively, for simpler, linear-only entry, click Preferences. From the object properties dialog box, click Simple Dialog on Bearing and Distance Mode. Now when you click to place the starting point, the Create Property Line dialog box opens. Enter the Azimuth and Distance for each segment, and select whether to close the shape automatically with the final selection.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select if the current segment is a line


Enter the azimuth or bearing of the line segment; if entering a bearing, a variety of formats are supported. Use spaces (N 10 30 0 E), degrees—d for degrees, m for minutes, and s for seconds (N10d0m0s E), or decimal degrees (N 10.5d 0m 0s E).


Enter the distance of the line segment


Select if the current segment is a curve

Start Tangent to Previous

Forces the back tangent to be collinear with the previous segment

Back Tangent

Enter the azimuth of the back tangent of this curve; a variety of formats are supported. Use spaces (10 30 0), degrees—d for degrees, m for minutes, and s for seconds (10d0m0s), or decimal degrees (10.5d 0m 0s).


Enter the radius of the curve segment

Arc Dist

Uses the distance along the arc


Chord Dist

Uses the distance between the point of tangency and the point of curvature


Tangent Dist

Uses the distance from the end point of the last segment to the point of the intersection of the curve


Delta Angle

Uses the central angle of the curve as measured from the center of the arc


Chord Bear.

Uses the bearing of the arc chord

Forward Tangent

Displays the forward tangent value


Draws the curve Counter-Clockwise


Click to remove the selected segment from the property line


Click to update the parameters for the current segment


Click to add a segment to the property line

< Previous / Next >

Click to move backward and forward through the segments

Automatically create closing segment

Automatically creates the final segment between the last point and the first

The first time you use the tool in a file, a properties dialog box opens. Set the default parameters (see Property line parameters). The parameters can be edited later from the Object Info palette.

Creating property lines


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