ArchitectInserting elevators


Tool set


Building Shell

The Elevator tool provides access to a variety of standard elevator types, including resources from manufacturers’ catalogs and your own elevator styles (see Concept: Plug-in object styles), in addition to individual objects created using the tool.


To insert an elevator:

Click the tool.

Do one of the following:

Click Elevator Style on the Tool bar to select a resource from the Resource Selector.

Click Preferences to open the object properties dialog box and specify the tool’s default parameters.

The parameters can be edited later from the Object Info palette.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




If the object is in a wall, click to flip the object orientation

Set Position

If the object is in a wall, click to activate the Move by Points tool in Reference Point mode and move the object by a specified distance from a reference point


Replace, remove, or edit the current style, or create a new plug-in object style for this object.

Editing a style changes all instances in the file that use the style.

Hide Style Parameters

Hides the parameters that are set by style; these cannot be edited from the dialog box or Object Info palette

Hoistway Width/Depth

Enter the hoistway width/depth

Front/Rear Door

Select the front and (if Show Rear Door is selected) rear door configuration

Pick Wall for Rear Door

If the Rear Door is set to Cab and Wall Doors, click to select the rear wall. In the drawing area, click the wall into which to insert the rear door; the elevator size automatically changes to fit.

Update Rear Door Position

If the wall associated with the rear door is moved, click to update the rear door position

Door Offset

Enter the door offset

Door Type

Select the door type

Door Width/Height

Enter the door width/height

Cab Display

Select whether to display the cab in 2D/3D views

Internal Cab Width/Depth

Enter the cab’s internal width/depth

Cab Height

Enter the cab height

Cab Wall Thickness

Enter the cab wall thickness

Cab Offset X

Enter the cab offset X

Front Cab Clearance

Enter the front cab clearance


To control appearance and visibility for structural parts of the elevator, click to open the Classes dialog box. For each part, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class. Select <Elevator Class> to place the part in the same class as the elevator object.

Select Set Attributes by Class to control both the attributes and visibility by class. Deselect Set Attributes by Class to allow changes made in the Attributes palette to override the class attributes; only the visibility is controlled by class.

Click on the drawing to place the object, and click again to set the rotation.

Optionally, create a style resource from the object (see Standard plug-in object styles with catalog options).


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