Importing drawing structure from standards or other files

Specific aspects of the drawing structure (classes, sheet layers, and design layers) can be imported from one or more existing files. The files from which you import can be the standard files provided with the Vectorworks products, or other files that you have created.

The standard files (.sta files) are located in the Vectorworks application's Standards folder (in [Vectorworks]\Libraries\Defaults). Layer standards use only approved layer names for a particular industry. Class standards use approved name and class settings for a particular industry. Custom layers or classes can be created in a blank file and saved as an .sta file in the Standards folder. Once they are placed in the Standards folder, these new layers or classes become part of the Standards list and are available when new layers or classes are created.

If one of your work files becomes corrupted, a possible recovery method is to import the data into a new file. Create a new file and then import classes, sheet layers, and design layers (and optionally, design layer objects) from the original file.

To import drawing structure, use the Organization dialog box to create a new class, sheet layer, or design layer. Instead of creating a new item, however, select the import option. Select the file from which to import, and then select the specific classes or layers from that file to import. For a design layer, select whether to import the objects on the design layer, as well as the layer itself.

For details, see Creating layers and Creating classes.


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