Additional plug-in object style and instance options

For plug-in object styles and plug-in object instances (whether styled or unstyled), you can control some settings regardless of whether the plug-in object is, for example, a window or a title block border. Because these settings are inherent to plug-in objects and not to the object type, they are not accessed from the object properties dialog box.

To set the class, the 2D component and cut plane display, or the wall insertion settings for a plug-in object style or plug-in object instance:

Right-click on the resource in the Resource Manager or the instance in the drawing and select Plug-in Object Style Options or Plug-in Object Options from the context menu.

The Plug-in Object Style Options dialog box or Plug-in Object Options dialog box opens.

If you are setting options for the plug-in object style, set whether the parameters will be defined by style or by instance, and set the options (see Concept: Plug-in object styles). If you are setting options for an instance, verify the by style/instance settings to confirm that you can change the settings for this instance; however, the by style/instance setting can only be established from the Plug-in Object Style Options dialog box.

As with regular plug-in object parameters, when the options on these dialog boxes, including Class, are set by instance, they can be edited at any time. When set by style, any change to the plug-in object style’s settings changes all the objects in the file that use the style.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




To control appearance and visibility, select a class from the list of classes present in the drawing, or create a new class.

When <Active Class> is selected, Class must be set by instance.

2D Components

Indicates whether the 2D components are defined by the style or can be set by instance.

See Creating 2D components for symbol definitions and plug-in objects to create the 2D components themselves.

Mirror opposite view graphics for empty 2D components

If a 2D component contains no graphics, views of that side of the plug-in object mirror the opposite 2D component graphic (if available); if the opposite 2D component graphic does not exist, the 3D component displays.

If a component is designed for viewing at a particular detail level, you may choose to leave the mirrored view empty and select this setting, rather than taking time to draw the mirrored component.

For symbol definitions, this setting is located on the Create Symbol dialog box and Symbol Options dialog box.

Top/Plan View Component

Select the 2D component graphic to display in Top/Plan view.

For symbol definitions, this setting is located on the Create Symbol dialog box and Symbol Options dialog box.

Horizontal/Vertical Section Cut Plane

(Design Suite product required)

Set how the plug-in object displays when it intersects the cut plane in horizontal and vertical section viewports. See Setting the section cut plane display for plug-in objects for more information about these settings.

Wall Insertion

For plug-in object types that are can be inserted into walls, set the insertion options

Insert Location

Specify where to insert the object relative to the wall, its core component, or its designated insert location.

<Nearest Wall Edge on Insertion> places the insertion point on the wall edge closest to the point clicked for insertion. This selection automatically sets the parameter by instance.


Enter the offset of the insert perpendicular to the wall's path

Use wall closure

Allows the object to use a wall closure; this setting is available only for object types that can include wall closures, such as doors and windows. See Wall closure settings for information; wall closure settings only apply if Use wall closure is selected for the inserted object.

Wall Closure Name

Specifies the wall closure this object uses on and after insertion. To select a wall closure name that already exists in the file, click Choose Existing Name and select the closure to use. To specify a wall closure that does not yet exist in the file, enter the name; the wall closure with that name can be added to the wall later. If the plug-in object is inserted into a wall that does not have the wall closure specified here, the wall's default wall closure is used instead. (See Concept: Wall closures for more information about matching wall closure names across objects in a file.)

If this field is left blank, the insert automatically uses the wall's default closure.

Exclude Wall Closure From

Select any edges to exclude from wall closure settings

Top/Plan View Cut Plane

Select the cut plane location relative to the object to determine how the wall opening edges are shown in Top/Plan view


Enter the cut location offset, if any

Creating plug-in object styles


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