Visibility tool behavior in embedded viewports

Design layer viewports (Vectorworks Design Suite product required) can be embedded in both sheet layer and design layer viewports, and they can be referenced or not. There are settings in the viewport properties or Edit Viewport Style dialog box of all of these viewports to control the way classes and layers display, which affect the behavior of the Visibility tool.

Cases where viewport visibility does not change

The following cases describe the conditions under which the Visibility tool cannot change the visibilities of the class or layer of a clicked object, when the object is in a design layer viewport that is embedded in another viewport.

The top-level viewport is a sheet layer viewport, and it is set to use the class or layer visibilities of the embedded viewport. The tool can only change the top-level viewport's visibility setting for the class or layer of the embedded viewport itself. The tool cannot change the visibility for the class or layer of an object inside the embedded viewport.

The top-level viewport is a sheet layer viewport, and it is not set to use the class or layer visibilities of the embedded viewport. However, the embedded viewport is referenced. In a referenced viewport, each class can either keep its own settings, or take on the settings of the document in which it is embedded. In Classes mode, if you click an object whose class is set to keep its own settings, the tool changes the top-level viewport's visibility setting for the class of the embedded viewport itself. In Layers mode, the tool can only change the top-level viewport’s visibility setting for the layer of the embedded viewport itself.

The top-level viewport is a design layer viewport, and the embedded viewport is referenced. In Classes mode, if you click an object whose class is set to keep its own settings, the tool changes the top-level viewport’s visibility setting for the class of the embedded viewport itself.

The top-level viewport is a design layer viewport. In Layers mode, the tool can only change the top-level viewport's visibility setting for the layer of the embedded viewport itself. The tool cannot change the visibility for the layer of an object inside the embedded viewport.

The viewport's visibilities are set by style; layer and class visibilities can only be edited from the Edit Viewport Style dialog box.

Cases where class visibility for the document changes

The following cases describe the conditions under which the Visibility tool changes the class visibilities for the entire document, when you click an object in a design layer viewport that is embedded in another viewport.

The top-level viewport is a design layer viewport, and it is set to use the class visibilities of the document. The embedded viewport is not referenced. The tool changes the visibility of the class of the clicked object, not only in the viewport, but in the entire document.

The top-level viewport is a design layer viewport, and it is set to use the class visibilities of the document. The embedded viewport is referenced. If the clicked object belongs to a class that is set to take on the settings of the document, the tool changes the class visibility for the entire document.

Concept: Visibility of drawing elements

Changing the class properties of sheet layer or design layer viewports 

Creating and editing viewport styles


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