Design SuiteConcept: Data mapping and data sheets

Difficulty level: Advanced

The Data Manager controls which data fields are attached to drawing objects, as well as how data will be displayed and entered on the Data tab of the Object Info palette.

The following terms are used in the Data Manager.

Data set: A set of data fields that can be applied to an object. This can be standard Vectorworks parameters or IFC fields, or custom fields in a record format you create. You can also define a custom formula for a field, which can include the contents of other fields from any data set. A data set can be automatically attached to objects, based on what kind of object it is, or what class the object is in.

Data sheet: A group of fields that can be selected from the Data tab of the Object Info palette, to enter data for an object. The fields can be from any data set attached to the object, and can be assigned custom labels. You can create multiple data sheets for different purposes. In addition, several data sheets are provided for Vectorworks plug-in objects.

Data mapping: The collection of data sets and data sheets that can be used to enter data for a specific type of object in a Vectorworks file.

You can map data and create data sheets for the following types of objects:

Built-in (default Vectorworks) plug-in objects

Custom (third party) plug-in objects

Definitions of 2D/3D and 3D symbols

Any object that has a class assigned to it

For example, to maximize productivity and minimize errors in a large architectural office, the BIM manager might establish data mapping for all common architectural objects, such as walls, doors, windows, and so on. During the design process, less-experienced staff could then use a set of "basic" data sheets to enter data such as height, width, and style. This way, the junior drafters won’t be slowed down by a complex interface and will be less likely to make errors. Later, more advanced designers could use a different set of data sheets to enter properties for trim, detailing, specifications, and classifications.

IFC data mapping

In a BIM project, you may wish to control whether specific objects and symbol definitions are exported to IFC. The property sets of specific objects can also be controlled prior to export, so export filtering can occur at the object or property set level. In addition, external data attached to objects may need to be mapped to their IFC equivalent prior to export. You can define, save, and restore multiple custom mapping sets for a file. Selected IFC object instances can use or not use the mapping.

Here are some examples of when IFC data mapping is useful.

You need to add data to an object's default IFC assignment.

Mapping allows you to attach property and data set information to objects in addition to the default IFC data. Many Vectorworks objects contain user-defined data that is not included as part of the default IFC assignment. For example, a type designation or acoustic rating for a door is user-defined data within the door object. These parameters can be mapped to the corresponding IFC parameter values.

You need to map data from a custom record format to an IFC property set.

In Vectorworks, custom data is attached to objects (default objects, plug-in objects, and custom modeled objects) using record formats. The parameters of a custom record format can be mapped to the correct, corresponding IFC property set. For example, a local code or specification system may be attached to an object through a custom record. The parameters for these records can be mapped to the IFC Classification data set to ensure that the data is transferred during an IFC model exchange.

You need to attach a default IFC assignment and property sets to custom modeled objects or symbols.

IFC assignments and property sets can be defined for all custom-made objects, ensuring that each time the custom object is placed in the file, it will receive the appropriate IFC tag assignment.


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