Creating a custom dimension standard



Document Preferences

File > Document Settings

Document context menu

Quick Preferences menu

By default, the initial settings for the custom standard are based on the standard specified in the Dimension Standard list on the Dimensions tab. To create a custom dimension standard:

Select the command. From the Document Preferences dialog box, click the Dimensions tab, and then click Custom.

You can also create a custom standard from the Tool bar or Object Info palette. With any one of the dimension tools in the Dims/Notes tool set selected, open the Standard list on the Tool bar and select Custom Standards from the list. With an existing dimension selected, open the Standard list from the Object Info palette and select Custom Standards from the list.

The Custom Dimensions dialog box opens.

Click New.

The Assign Name dialog box opens.

Enter a name for this dimension standard.

Select the new dimension from the Standards list and click Edit.

The Edit Custom Dimension Standard dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Dimension line distances

Specifies the dimension line distances for linear, radial, and ordinate dimensions

Note: Distances are in

Displays the drawing units currently in use for the file

Witness Lines

Applies witness lines to dimensions; when deselected, witness lines are hidden

Fixed Witness Line Length

Uses a fixed length for the witness lines rather than a fixed offset from the dimensioned object (the default). When selected, the field for setting the witness line length is enabled on the top part of the dialog box.

To change the length of a particular witness line, use the Override option in the Object Info palette.

Dimensions Always Inside

When selected, the dimension value is always centered between the witness lines. When deselected, the dimension value is automatically positioned outside the witness lines if it is too large to fit between them.

Linear Markers

Select the marker to use for linear dimension markers.

To use a custom marker, edit the marker list, and then create a new marker or edit an existing marker; see Editing the marker list.

Other Markers

Select the marker to use for other dimension markers

Leader Line Marker

Select the marker to use for dimension leader lines.

The marker is only visible if you first use the Object Info palette to add a leader line to the dimension, and then use the Attributes palette to add an end marker to the leader line (see Pen attributes).

SIA Format Numbers

Sets all numbers to use the SIA format; not available when a dual layout is selected

Tolerance Size

Sets the size of the tolerance in relation to the dimension text

Text Rotation

Sets how text is handled when a dimension is rotated; text can be horizontal, aligned, or horizontal/vertical

Text Position

Sets the location of the dimension value relative to the dimension line:

Above/Left places the text above the dimension line for non-vertical dimensions, or left of the dimension line for vertical dimensions

Above/Right places the text above the dimension line for non-vertical dimensions, or right of the dimension line for vertical dimensions

Outside places the text outside the area enclosed by the two witness lines and dimension line, regardless of the dimension orientation


Sets whether dimensions display as single values, dual - side by side, or dual - stacked

Dual view

If a dual layout is selected, specify whether both dimensions are shown, primary only, or secondary only

Text Style

Select a text style from a library or the current file. To format the text using options on the Text menu, select <Un-Styled>. See Using text styles and Formatting text.

Enter the desired values for the display of dimensions, and then click OK. Click OK again to close the Custom Dimensions dialog box and return to the Document Preferences dialog box.

To set the new standard as the default for the document, select the new standard from the Dimension Standard list.

Using custom dimension standards

Editing dimension properties


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