Using custom units for dimensions

You can create custom units for the dimensioning tools, rather than using the document units. Custom units can be created in the current file or imported from another drawing file. By default, the initial settings for the units are based on the units specified in the Dimensions pane or Dual Dimensions pane of the Units settings.

To create a custom unit:

With one of the dimensioning tools in the Dims/Notes tool set selected, open the Units list on the Tool bar and select Custom Units.

You can also create a custom unit from the Object Info palette. With an existing dimension selected, open the Units list from the Object Info palette and select Custom Units from the list.

The Units Settings dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide parametersClick to show/hide parameters




Opens the Units dialog box, to create a new custom unit 


Opens the Units dialog box, to edit the custom unit settings


Copies the selected custom unit and appends an incrementing number to the copy name


Opens the Delete Dimension Unit Setting dialog box, to replace the selected custom unit with the Document Units


Opens the Assign Name dialog box, to rename the selected custom unit


Opens a file and imports the custom unit you specify


Opens the Replace Dimension Units Settings dialog box, to specify the dimension units to replace, and the units to replace it. Any existing dimensions that used the previous units are changed to the replacement units.

Click New, or select an existing unit and click Edit.

The Units dialog box opens.

Enter a name for this unit.

Select whether the unit type is linear (Length) or angular (Angle).

The Unconstrained Linear Dimension tool, Constrained Linear Dimension tool, Arc Length Dimension tool, and Radial Dimension tools display linear units settings, while the Angular Dimension tool displays angular units settings. 

From the Dimensions tab or Dual Dimensions tab, set the desired parameters, as described in Units settings: Dimensions pane and Units settings: Dual Dimensions pane. Not all paramters available for the document units are available here. 

Custom units are available from the Units list on the Tool bar of the dimensioning tools.




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