Design SuiteEditing slab attributes

To edit slab attributes:

Click Edit Slab Attributes on the Definition tab of the Slab Preferences dialog box to define the slab attributes in Top/Plan view.

The Slab Attributes dialog box opens.

The slab attributes of an unstyled slab are initially set to the parameters displayed in The Attributes palette. The opacity and drop shadow attributes are always set from the Attributes palette. If fill and pen are changed in the Slab Attributes dialog box, the Attributes palette reflects the changed attributes of the selected slab (after exiting the Slab Preferences dialog box).

Fill and pen attributes can be set by class rather than by the attributes in the Slab Attributes dialog box. If the slab class is changed later, the slab changes to use the attributes of the new class. Slab fill and pen attributes cannot be overridden on a per-instance basis; if a slab style uses class attributes, all slabs of that style must use class attributes. However, slabs of the same slab style can be placed in different classes.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Select a fill style, or Class Style to set the fill attributes by class. Depending on the Style selected, select a color, pattern, or resource (hatch, image, gradient, tile) for the slab.


Select a pen style, or Class Style to set pen attributes by class. Depending on the Style selected, select a color, pattern, or line type resource for the slab.


Select the line thickness; to use a custom thickness, select Set Thickness from the line thickness list (see Line thickness attributes)

Make All Attributes by Class

Sets all fill and pen attributes by class

Remove by Class Settings

Removes all by class settings for fill and pen attributes

Creating slabs

Drawing slabs manually

Creating automatically bounded slabs from existing walls

Creating slabs with both automatically bounded and manual edges

Using slab styles

Setting class attributes


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