Design SuiteExporting IFC projects



Export IFC Project

File > Export

Vectorworks project files can be exported to .ifc, .ifczip, and .ifcxml formats.

Export to IFC Versions 2x3, 4, and 4x3 is supported. The export of a project to an IFC file is based on specifying the geometry and associated data needed for the use of the exported file. This specification is called a Model View Definition (MVD), which is a subset of all the geometry and data in a building model. MVDs have been created by international, national, or local groups to standardize information exchange for various purposes, such as design coordination, collision/clash detection, structural analysis, and element quantity analysis. You can use MVDs to automate the export, or manually define a custom set of geometry and data to be exported.

You can export a wall with components as a single IFC entity (IfcWall or IfcWallStandardCase), or you can split the wall into the individual components (IfcBuildingElementPart) for estimation purposes. If any component has been modified to have a different height from the rest of the wall, the components are automatically exported as building element parts.

To export a Vectorworks file to IFC:

For best results, the following are recommended before export:

In the Vectorworks preferences, set the 3D Conversion Resolution to "Low," to reduce file size.

Set the view to Top/Plan.

Zoom the view into a small, simple corner of the model.

Select the command.

The Export IFC Project dialog box opens.

Specify the overall project export options and project information for each pane of the Data tab. Many of the fields are required by the IFC specification; they're automatically mapped to their IFC equivalent for inclusion in the IFC file header information.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Export Options

Sets export parameters for the file

File Format

Select whether to export an .ifc, .ifczip, or .ifcxml file

IFC Version

Select the IFC version

Model View

Select the MVD that specifies the geometry and data required for export.

CV 2.0 - Architecture is an official buildingSMART International MVD for exporting architectural models for coordination with structural and building services models.

Extended Vectorworks Model View allows you to customize the geometry and data to be exported in conjunction with the Export Options for data exchange workflows without a standard or official MVD.

This MVD exports the following elements that exceed the CV 2.0 MVD:

3D geometry as proxy objects (IfcBuildingElementProxy)

Linear/angular/arc/slope dimensions

North arrow

Break line

Text nodes (with IFC data attached)

IES VE is a custom MVD to exchange model information with the IES-Virtual Environment platform to conduct building energy performance simulation and analysis.

COBie/Facilities Management MVD enables the handover of graphic and non-graphic facility management information to the building manager. It includes the international version of COBie/COBie2 exchange requirements.

Simplified Geometry exports walls as IfcWallStandardCase, merging all components into one extrude. Slabs are exported as multiple slab instances (one slab for each component).

Reference View MVD (IFC4 only) exports geometry to be used as a reference model only. The model is not converted to native objects, and will not be modified by the receiver. This MVD is useful for visual presentations, coordination planning, clash detection, quantity take-offs, and so on.

The model view and any add-on views are included as information in the IFC file header.

Add-on Views

Select optional information to be added to the model view at export.

Quantity Take Off writes element quantity data to specific IFC data fields for use by costing/estimating applications.

1st Level Space Boundaries exports planes that represent the contact surface between a Space object and an adjacent surface, like a wall, floor, or ceiling. These boundary planes also indicate the placement and extents of openings, such as doors and windows. (Many energy analysis programs require this element.)

Export Visible Objects Only

Exports objects within visible classes only (the selection of layers for export is handled by the Layer Mapping options). When deselected, exports any objects required by the Model View selection.

Export Site Model

For drawings with a site model, this option exports the site model geometry and enables site model layers to be mapped on the Layer Mapping tab

Export Custom Property Sets

Exports custom Psets that were specified in the Manage Custom Property Sets dialog box for objects’ IFC data, for models not explicitly defined in the Model View definition, or when using the extended Vectorworks model view

Export Solids Operations as BREPs

Depending on the receiving application and data exchange requirements, solids operations may need to be simplified to a surface model, also known as a boundary representation (BREP) to display correctly and be properly identified

Export Text in Unicode Format

The Unicode format is more reliable for double-byte characters (text representing characters from such alphabets as Japanese, Chinese, and Cyrillic) but it must also be supported by the receiving application

Export Walls/Slabs by components

Exports the components of walls and slabs as sub-elements, for estimation purposes

Project Data



Enter the project name


Enter the construction phase information

Project Type

Enter the type of project

Project Description

Enter a description of the project

Building Permit ID

Enter the building permit information

Gross Area (Planned)

Enter the total planned area for the entire project

Currency Code

Select the currency code (such as EUR for Euro, USD for US dollars)

Time Unit

Select the time unit for the project

Default Classification

Select the project classification code; if User-defined is selected, enter the default classification

Author Data

Enter the information for the primary author of the file


Select the author's professional role; if User-defined is selected, enter the role title


Click Look Up to open the Look Up Category dialog box; the classification list displayed is determined by the Default Classification selection on the Project Data pane. Select the classification category, or select User-defined and enter the category.

Author Addresses

Enter pertinent information related to the physical location of the author's place of business

Organization Data

Enter pertinent information related to the professional organization in charge of the project


Select the organization's professional role; if User-defined is selected, enter the role title


Click Look Up to open the Look Up Category dialog box; the classification list displayed is determined by the Default Classification selection on the Project Data pane. Select the classification category, or select User-defined and enter the category.

Organization Addresses

Enter pertinent information related to the physical location of the organization's place of business. If the author address data and the organization address data are identical, click Copy Author Addresses to complete the telecom and postal information automatically. Subsequent edits made to either pane remain unique to the pane.

Site Data

Specify site information for the project location, regardless of whether site model data is selected for export.

If the file is not georeferenced, but the site latitude/longitude and elevation values are known, enter them here.

If the file contains georeferenced information, enter details on the IFC Model Setup pane of this tab.

Site Address

Enter address information for the project site

Building Data

Specifies the IFC properties associated with the building

Building #

If there are multiple buildings to export, select which building to enter data for.

The number of buildings is specified on the Layer Mapping tab.


Enter the building’s ID, name, and description


Click Look Up to open the Look Up <Default Classification> Category dialog box; the classification list displayed is determined by the Default Classification selection on the Project Data pane. Select the classification category, or select User-defined and enter the category.

Gross Planned Area

Specifies the total planned area for the building, used for programming purposes

Reference Elevation/Site Reference Elevation

Enter the elevation above sea level for the building and the building site

Occupancy Type

Specifies the occupancy classification, defined according to the presiding national building code

Primary Construction Type

Specifies the main fire use for the building, assigned from the fire use classification table as given by the relevant national building code

Secondary Construction Type

Enter any ancillary fire use for the building, assigned from the fire use classification table as given by the relevant national building code

Sprinkler Protection

Indicates whether the building has sprinkler protection, and if so, whether it is automatic (the selection is reflected on the Layer Mapping tab, where it can be overridden for an individual story)

Year of Construction

Enter the year when the building was built

Landmark Status

Indicates a building with special historical landmark designation

Building Address

If there are multiple buildings to export, select which building to enter data for, and then enter address information for it. If the site address and building address are identical, click Copy Site Address to complete the postal information automatically. Subsequent edits made to either pane remain unique to the pane.

The number of buildings is specified on the Layer Mapping tab.

IFC Model Setup

Specifies georeferencing and placement information for the IFC model

IFC Georeferencing

If the document contains georeferencing information, From Document is selected by default, and the current settings display. If needed, select Custom and enter custom data manually (see Specifying document georeferencing).

IFC 2x3 exports geolocated coordinates, and IFC 4 and above exports geolocated coordinates plus the specified coordinate system for the file.

IFC Model Placement


Origin Setup

Specifies the origin for the IFC project.

Internal Origin: the IFC model origin coincides with the document origin

User Origin: the IFC model origin is the document's user origin (coordinates in IFC will be the same as in the Vectorworks Object Info palette and rulers)

Custom Origin: the IFC model origin is at the X/Y/Z offsets specified

Survey Point: If a survey point exists in the document, its position defines the georeferencing. Moving the survey point object will move the exported model.

Stake: If there are stake objects in the document, select one of the objects from the list to define the origin. Moving the stake object will move the exported model. 


Specifies a rotation for the IFC model that will be applied to the selected origin.

Align with true north rotates the model so that the Offset Y axis is north.

Rotation Angle allows you to enter a custom rotation.

Click the Layer Mapping tab to specify how to map document layers to stories in the IFC project. If the Vectorworks document was set up with stories (Vectorworks Architect or Landmark required), the layers assigned to the building stories are automatically mapped to an appropriately named story by default. Map each layer you want to export to one of the Vectorworks stories listed. If Export Site Model is selected in the export options on the Data tab, map site model layers to the Site option.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Number of Buildings

Enter the number of buildings to export

Building #

If there are multiple buildings to export, select which building to map layers for

Available Layers list

Lists document design layers that aren't currently mapped to a story for export; unmapped layers are not exported

Number of Stories

Displays the number of stories in the document by default. If you increase or decrease the number, the stories available in the Vectorworks Story Name list changes as well. This gives you greater flexibility to override the story structure at export, if necessary.

Vectorworks Story Name

By default, lists each story set up in the document, and a Site option for site model layers. Select an item from the list to display its current mapping in the Mapped Layers list.

IFC Story Name

Enter a name to assign to this story's mapped layers in the IFC project

Mapped Layers

Lists layers that have been selected for export for the selected Vectorworks Story Name

Add >

Moves the selected layers in the Available Layers list to the Mapped Layers list for export

< Remove

Removes the selected layers from the Mapped Layers list, returning them to the Available Layers list

Mapped layer data

Specifies IFC properties for the mapped story layers

Above Grade

Indicates whether the story is fully above ground

Entrance Level

Indicates whether the story includes an entrance for the building

Sprinkler Protection

Specifies whether the story includes sprinkler fire protection, and if so, whether the sprinklers are automatic. The initial settings match the settings on the Building Data pane of the Data tab.

Planned Areas, Gross/Net

Indicates optional gross and net planned areas, used for design and programming purposes


Select the classification category for the story, or select User-defined and enter the category

Click Export, and then indicate the file name and location in the Save As dialog box.

To save the parameter settings in the Export IFC Project dialog box without exporting the project, click Save Settings. The parameters and options are saved, and the Export IFC dialog box closes.

When the export is complete, the IFC Export Report dialog box opens, listing the IFC entities that were exported, as well as any errors. If desired, click Save Report to save a more detailed version of the report as a text file.

Concept: IFC overview

Assigning IFC data to objects

Importing IFC files

Setting up the building structure with stories


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