Attaching GDTF data

You can attach data to a lighting device to specify its fixture mode, DMX data, and other important information, primarily for previsualization and file exchange. GDTF (General Device Type Format) specifies lighting device data, including manufacturer details, device geometry, and the DMX footprint. GDTF is necessary for Showcase and for previz in a stand-alone program like Vision (alternatively, .lit files can be used for Vision).

GDTF files are available from manufacturers and from other users from the the GDTF Share website ( GDTF files can be created and modified with the online Fixture Builder; see the GDTF Help for more information. In Vectorworks, GDTF data appears as a resource in the Resource Manager. The lighting device references the resource; lighting devices imported from or copied from one file to another also import the associated data resource. 

Once all required lighting devices have been associated with GDTF data, use .mvr files to seamlessly transfer all of the data between Vectorworks and the consoles and visualizers used for previz.

There are several methods of obtaining GDTF files and associating GDTF files with the lighting devices in a Vectorworks drawing. In addition to the methods listed here, when exporting to .mvr, you can choose to automatically associate GDTF data with lighting devices, and/or update existing GDTF data.

Attaching or updating GDTF data


Workspace: Path

Update GDTF Files

Design Suite: Entertainment > GDTF

Spotlight: Spotlight > GDTF

The easiest way to attach GDTF data to lighting devices is to select the Update GDTF Files command; the appropriate file is automatically downloaded and assigned to each lighting device in the selection. The GDTF Type ID and GDTF Fixture Mode in the Light Info Record of each lighting device is used to automatically download and assign the appropriate GDTF file. The command can also sync to the latest GDTF data from the GDTF share, for lighting devices that already have an associated GDTF file. You can choose whether to affect all lighting devices or only those that do not yet have GDTF data attached. 

To process (attach or update GDTF files) a selection of lighting instruments:

Depending on the existing situation and desired outcome, do one of the following:

Select the lighting devices, if you only want certain lighting devices to be processed.

Do not select any lighting devices, if you want to process all lighting devices.

Select the command.

The Update GDTF Files dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Select lighting devices to update

Update all lighting devices: All lighting devices in the drawing are eligible to receive a downloaded GDTF file if available, or for previously attached data to be updated.

Update selected lighting devices: Only selected lighting devices are processed.

Update only lighting devices without GDTF data

When selected, processes only lighting devices that have no GDTF data currently assigned. GDTF files are downloaded and assigned to the lighting devices. Lighting devices which currently have associated GDTF data are not affected.

When deselected, the selection of lighting devices are checked, synced, and provided with GDTF data if necessary.

Update all symbols

Downloads data and links GDTF files to all lighting device symbols in the current file with a GDTF Type ID in their attached Light Info Record. The lighting device symbols in the Resource Manager of the current file are processed, regardless of whether they have been placed in the drawing.

Sync GDTF files from

Select how to update the files:

Manufacturer uploaded data if available: Syncs only to GDTF data provided from manufacturers, ignoring user-uploaded files.

The most recent data available (manufacturer or user uploaded): Syncs to the latest GDTF data, regardless of who provided it.

Based on the settings, the appropriate GDTF files are synced, or downloaded and associated with, the lighting devices. 

When a lighting device with a linked GDTF resources is inserted into the file, the default GDTF Fixture Mode is specified by the GDTF Fixture Mode in the Light Info record. If no GDTF Fixture mode is specified, the first mode is selected.

Accessing the GDTF Share website


Workspace: Path

Open GDTF Share Connection

Design Suite: Entertainment > GDTF

Spotlight: Spotlight > GDTF

You can access the GDTF Share website to view and browse fixture data from within Vectorworks, as well as download GDTF files into Vectoworks.

To access the GDTF Share website:

Select the command.

If required, log into your account. If you haven't established a login, you will need to sign up.

The GDTF Share website opens within Vectoworks. From there, you can browse the fixture data and download GDTF files directly into Vectorworks. The GDTF data appears as a resource in the Resource Manager.

Manually associate the lighting device with the GDTF resource by specifying the GDTF Fixture and mode in the Object Info palette of a selected lighting device. Select Use GDTF Geometry to display the GDTF device geometry and verify its orientation. For Showcase, or if exporting to the Vision program, specify a Fixture Mode for devices that should use Vision data.

Manually downloading and attaching GDTF data

You can import .gdtf files with the Import GDTF command, or as part of an MVR (My Virtual Rig) import. Manually associate the lighting device with the GDTF resource by specifying the GDTF Fixture and mode in the Object Info palette of a selected lighting device. Select Use GDTF Geometry to display the GDTF device geometry and verify its orientation. For Showcase, or if exporting to the Vision program, specify a Fixture Mode for devices that should use Vision data.

Concept: Showcase

Exporting MVR files

Importing MVR

Importing GDTF

Workflow: Previsualization with Spotlight

Lighting device properties


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