Convert to a group or plug-in object




Convert to Group

Convert to Plug-in Object

Modify > Convert

Ctrl+K (group, Windows)

Cmd+K (group, Mac)

The Convert to Group command is typically used for a selected wall (or roof, slab, symbol, or solid) that contains symbols or plug-in objects, like windows and doors, for the purpose of converting the wall and its contained objects into an "exploded" group of either 2D or 3D geometry. If you're in Top/Plan view when converting, you'll obtain 2D geometry, and if you're in a 3D view when converting, you'll obtain 3D geometry.

Use caution when converting hybrid symbols. If in Top/Plan view, the 3D component of the symbol may be lost during the conversion. Similarly, in a 3D view, the 2D portion of the symbol may be lost.

The command also directly converts an extrude, sweep, mesh, or dimension into 2D or 3D geometry or grouped 2D or 3D geometry.

If you have selected a black (or green) symbol instance that was originally created from a plug-in object, the Convert to Plug-in Object command is available instead. The command converts the symbol instance back into a plug-in object which is no longer associated with the symbol definition.

To convert the selected item into grouped geometry, or to turn a symbol instance back into a plug-in object:

In the drawing, select the 3D geometry, dimension, wall, roof, slab, solid, or symbol instance to convert.

Select the Convert to Group command, or, if you had selected a symbol instance that was originally a plug-in object, select the Convert to Plug-in Object command.

If the selection consists of 3D geometry with no contained objects, the selection is converted immediately. If the selected object is a hybrid symbol, or it also contains additional symbols or plug-in objects, the Convert to Group Options dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Don't convert sub-objects to groups

If executing the Convert to Group command, this option excludes any contained symbols or plug-in objects from the conversion process; for example, if a selected wall contains window plug-in objects, the wall is converted to a group, but the windows are not.

If executing the Convert to Plug-in Object command, this option maintains the integrity of the plug-in object and converts the symbol instance back into its original plug-in object.

Convert nested symbols and plug-in objects

Converts all symbols and/or plug-in objects within the selected object to grouped geometry

Convert all sub-objects

Converts all objects within the selected object to grouped geometry

The result of the conversion is either grouped 2D or 3D geometry, or a plug-in object. To make changes to grouped items, select Modify > Edit Group or Ungroup.

The resulting group can be left as a grouped object or plug-in object or saved as a new symbol.

Concept: Vectorworks symbols

Creating symbol definitions


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