Deleting mesh faces



Tool set


Rectangular Marquee

Lasso Marquee

Polygonal Marquee




When a mesh object contains undesirable faces, it is possible to quickly select and delete a part of the mesh using the Selection tool's marquee modes (see The Selection tool). This operation is especially useful for 3D models that were generated from photographs using the Vectorworks Cloud Services Photos to 3D model function, where the nature of the model creation means that incidental objects in the photographs are incorporated into the model. (See how to generate 3D models from photographs in the Vectorworks Cloud Services help; login required for Vectorworks Cloud Services.)

If the mesh has associated textures, the textures are preserved.

To delete faces from a mesh:

Select one or more meshes to be edited.

Select the tool and one of the marquee modes.

Click and drag the mouse to create the marquee. All mesh vertices within the marquee are highlighted and selected for deletion.

Press the Delete key. The selected vertices and the faces that border them are deleted.


Editing mesh objects


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