Resizing a bitmap in the drawing area
You can resize and/or change the proportions of a bitmap object in the drawing area without affecting the image's saved attributes.
To resize or rescale a bitmap object:
Select the bitmap object in the drawing area.
On the Object Info palette, select or deselect Lock proportions as needed, to maintain or change the proportions of the image as you change other parameters.
Edit the Width, Height, Horizontal Scale, and/or Vertical Scale values.
Alternatively, use the Selection tool to drag the handles of the bitmap; the Object Info palette settings update to reflect the changes.
The size of the selected bitmap object changes in the drawing area, but the image file's size, displayed above the Image Attributes button, is unchanged. To return the bitmap object to its original size and proportions, enter 1 in both the Horizontal Scale and Vertical Scale fields on the Object Info palette.
To edit the saved size or proportions of the image file, not only the bitmap object in the drawing, click Image Attributes; see Image attributes.
Bitmaps can also be cropped, compressed and edited with image effects, like other imported images in the drawing, and can be traced to create a group of vector lines from the image.