LandmarkImporting plant database information

A default set of plant database records is provided at installation. The plant database supports several data formats for import, including tab-delimited files, Excel spreadsheets, .xml files, and others. The import folder feature allows movies and images to be imported. In addition, plant lists from previous versions of the Vectorworks program can be imported.

You can also import plant data to a plant catalog from a spreadsheet, as described in Importing plant catalog data from a spreadsheet.

To import plant database information:

Open the plant database; see Accessing the plant database.

Select the File > Import Records database command, and select whether to import a file, a folder, or an .xml data source. 

To import plant lists from certain older versions of Vectorworks, you must complete more steps. To import plant data from Vectorworks versions 2008 through 2012, first select the File > Convert VW Plants database command to convert the plant data to the most recent FileMaker format. Then, import the data with Import Records. To import plant lists from Vectorworks 12.x, select the File > Import Vectorworks 12 Plant List database command.

Browse to select the file or folder to import.

The Import Field Mapping dialog box opens, to map the import data correctly into the current database.

The important mapping fields for proper use in the Vectorworks Landmark product are described in Plant database field mapping. If more information is required, consult the Support area of

Adding additional plant data

Additional plant datasets may be located in the Plant Database\Vectorworks Plants\Additional Datasets folder. These files typically contain regional plant sets provided by a distributor or other plant sets installed with the Vectorworks Landmark software. The field matching has already been performed for these data sets, and they are easy to add to the plant database.

To add plant data from the Additional Datasets folder:

Open the plant database; see Accessing the plant database.

Select the File > Add Additional Plant Data database command.

Select the file to import. Field mapping is automatic, and the plant information is added to the plant database.

The plant database


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