Installing Vectorworks libraries locally

The Resource Manager and Resource Selector allow you to browse the Vectorworks libraries online, and they will automatically download the required files on demand. Install the libraries only if you work mostly offline and would like to have the content locally available.

You can download and install Vectorworks content libraries over the internet, or from local media such as a USB drive. The libraries available depend on which Vectorworks products are licensed. They are installed in the Vectorworks application folder [Vectorworks]\Libraries.

Installing libraries over the internet



Download Content


Localized content may not be available in your country; check with your local distributor.

To install product libraries over the internet:

Select the command.

The Vectorworks Package Manager dialog box opens. The library packages available for the licensed Vectorworks products are listed. If all the resources in a specific package have already been installed on your system, the Vectorworks Package Manager indicates Status: Installed.

If there is available content not yet installed on your system, click Install under the relevant package to download the library files. Alternatively, Click Install All either at the top of the dialog box for all product categories or in a specific product category to install all available content that has not yet been installed.

A progress bar displays during installation and indicates whether the operation was a success or failure. If the operation failed, an explanation is provided if possible.

The content libraries are large and take a considerable time to download. Rather than individually downloading onto multiple machines, you may download the packages once, and then copy the files into the [Vectorworks]\Libraries folder for each computer that has the software installed.

Alternatively, to download a specific file or folder, right-click on it and select Download or Download and Install.

Right-click on the Vectorworks Libraries heading in the Resource Manager and select Refresh (or select Refresh Libraries in the Action menu) after editing or adding files to gain access to the new resources/files.

Updating libraries from the internet

If library files are added or changed after installation, the Status: Installed indicator on the package that changed reverts to an Install button. You can simply click Install to reinstall the package, including the new content, or you can review the changes before deciding how to proceed.

To review content changes before reinstalling:

Right-click on the name of the package and click Info.

A Package Info dialog box opens.

Click Compare to generate an automatic comparison of the library files available online with those installed on the system. New and changed files are highlighted.

If you want to reinstall all library files in the package, including the new or changed files, click Reinstall.

To copy the list of library file names and paths onto your clipboard, for review in another format or to share, click Copy.

Click Done.

Installing libraries from local media



Download Content


In some cases, resource libraries may be provided on DVD or a USB drive from your local distributor, or you may have resources of your own. To install resource libraries from a DVD or USB drive:

Insert the DVD or USB drive into your computer.

Select the command.

The Vectorworks Package Manager dialog box opens.

Click Direct Install and then click Install a Local Package.

The Open dialog box opens.

Navigate to the .vpkg files on your local media, select the files to install, and click Open.

A progress dialog box displays during installation and indicates whether the operation was a success or failure.

Vectorworks libraries


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