Subdivision modeling

Subdivision modeling allows for the easy, intuitive creation of free-form shapes, whether designing an object or exploring a concept. After creating a subdivision object or converting an existing object to a subdivision object, sculpt the model using the Edit Subdivision tool.

Click here for a series of video tips about this topic (internet access required).



Creating subdivision objects



Create Subdivision Primitive


To create a subdivision object:

Select the command.

The Create Subdivision Primitive dialog box opens.

Alternatively, double-click the Edit Subdivision tool to open the Create Subdivision Primitive dialog box.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Subdivision Primitives

Select the object's shape; the object preview adjusts to show the shape selected


For all shapes except torus and ring, enter the size of the mesh cage

Major Radius

For the torus and ring shapes, enter the major radius

Minor Radius

For the torus and ring shapes, enter the minor radius

Segments on Major Axis

For the torus and ring shapes, enter the number of segments on the major axis; the number must be greater than 2

Segments on Minor Axis

For the torus shape, enter the number of segments on the minor axis; the number must be greater than 2

Subdivision Iteration

Select the density of subdivision mesh faces per cage face; this affects modeling speed and also final export quality. It can be edited later from the Object Info palette.

An iteration setting of 0 creates one subdivision mesh face per cage face; this is equivalent to polygon modeling. An iteration setting of 1 creates 4 subdivision mesh faces per cage face; 2 creates 16; 3 creates 64; 4 creates 256; and 5 creates 1024.


Center Location

If Center at Next Click is not selected, enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates to place the object

Center at Next Click

Centers the subdivision object on the next mouse click in the drawing

Set the parameters. If Center at Next Click is selected, click in the drawing to place the object.

The subdivision object is ready to be edited, using the Edit Subdivision tool.

Most tools and commands that can be used to edit solid objects can be used to modify subdivision objects.

Tools that don't edit subdivision objects

Chamfer Edge 



Fillet Edge


Shell Solid

Taper Face

Converting existing objects to subdivision objects

Modeling subdivision objects

Concept: 3D modeling


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