Architect or LandmarkConcept: Site model source data

Difficulty level: Intermediate

The source data represent the points on the surface of the site model. The more points you have, the more detailed the surface will be, but more processing time will be required.

There are five commands available to input source data into a drawing for the development of a site model; each uses a different type of source information.

Import Survey File 

2D Polys to 3D Source Data 

3D Polygons to 3D Loci

Grid Method Entry 

Extract 3D Loci from Point Cloud 

In addition, stake objects, 3D loci, or 3D polygons can be used directly as the source data for the site model. No conversion is necessary before using this type of source data.

The Modify by Record command can convert 2D polygons or polylines with attached record elevation data directly to 3D polygons at the proper elevation. See Modifying objects by record value.

Before you create the site model, clean up the source data.

Check the source data with the Validate 3D Data command to ensure that a valid site model will be created.

If the source data consists of 3D polygons with many vertices, simplify the polygons first with the Simplify 3D Polygons command.

Look at the source points, such as the loci, in a Front view to confirm that their relative elevations look correct. For example, some loci may originate from a roof line or an existing tree, and they have nothing to do with the site model; these loci should not be included.

Once the site model has been created, it is still possible to clean up problems by editing the source data.

Importing source data from an external file

Adding source data with 2D polygons or polylines

Converting 3D polygons to 3D loci

Adding source data by grid method entry

Extracting 3D loci from a point cloud

Validating 3D source data

Simplifying 3D polygons


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