Architect or LandmarkReporting site model volume


Workspace: Path

Create Site Model Volume List

Design Suite, Architect: AEC > Terrain

Landmark: Landmark

The individual cut and fill calculations for a site model can be listed in a report for verification.

To list site model volume:

Select the site model to analyze. Only one site model can be analyzed at a time.

Select the command.

The Create Site Model Volume List dialog box opens. On the Columns tab, select the columns of site model data to include in the report.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Available Columns

Lists the columns that can be selected for inclusion in the report

Selected Columns

Lists the columns to be included in the report; to change the list order, use the cursor to drag and drop the items to move in the # column.

Add >

Adds one or more selected items from the available list to the end of the Selected Columns list

Add All >>

Adds all available columns to the end of the Selected Columns list

< Remove

Removes one or more selected items from the Selected Columns list

<< Remove All

Removes all column items from the Selected Columns list

Column Parameters


Triangle Index

Creates a numeric index for each triangle that makes up the site model Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN)

Existing Surface Area

Lists the surface area of each triangle in the existing site model

Proposed Surface Area

Lists the surface area of each triangle in the proposed site model

Projected Area

Lists the projected area of the common (existing and proposed) site model triangles

Existing Volume

Lists the volume of each triangle (extruded to the existing site model’s Minimum Elevation plus its Datum Elevation)

Proposed Volume

Lists the volume of each triangle (extruded to the proposed site model’s Minimum Elevation plus its Datum Elevation)

Cut Volume

Compares the existing and proposed volume for each triangle in the site model, and displays the extra volume present in the proposed model

Fill Volume

Compares the existing and proposed volume for each triangle in the site model, and displays the volume removed from the proposed model

Net Cut & Fill Volume

Lists the fill volume minus the cut volume for each triangle in the site model

Total Cut & Fill Volume

Lists the fill volume plus the cut volume for each triangle in the site model

On the Grade Limits Modifiers tab, select the grade limits site modifiers to include in the report calculations.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Available Grade Limits Modifiers

Lists the grade limit-type site modifiers in the drawing; grade limits modifiers are identified by an assigned number

Selected Grade Limits Modifiers

Lists the site modifiers to be included in the report calculations

Add >

Adds one or more selected items from the available list to the end of the Selected Grade Limits Modifiers list

Add All >>

Adds all available modifiers to the end of the Selected Grade Limits Modifiers list

< Remove

Removes one or more selected items from the Selected Grade Limits Modifiers list

<< Remove All

Removes all items from the Selected Grade Limits Modifiers list

Show Modifier

When a numbered grade limits modifier is highlighted, selects the associated site modifier in the drawing, and zooms in so the site modifier is easily identifiable

Modifier Parameters


Outside Grade Limits

Includes all areas of the site model surface without any modifiers

Grade Limits Modifier __

Each grade limits site modifier in the drawing is identified with a number. If you have provided a name for the site modifier on the Data tab of the Object Info palette, the name displays in parentheses

On the Options tab, set the report output parameters.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Show Data for Unmodified Site Model Surface

When selected, the report includes the entire surface of the site model. Deselect this option to exclude the unchanged surface between the existing and proposed site models from the report.

Create Text File

Creates a tab-delimited text file of the report, which can easily be imported into a spreadsheet program for further manipulation. Specify the name of the text file and the location to save it in.

Create Triangle Group

Creates a group containing subgroups of polygons and volumetric data text for each triangle that makes up the site model triangulated network. For complex site models, a significant amount of information is displayed; adjust text size of the entire selected group with the Text > Size command.

Create Worksheet

Adds a Volume List worksheet containing the volume data to the current file


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