Using multiple drawing views




Quick Preferences

Enable Multiple View Panes

View > Multiple View Panes


To use multiple drawing views:

In any drawing view, select the command.

The drawing area is divided into multiple view panes; the single view when the command is selected becomes the active view.

To set all panes to the same clip cube, and the same visibilities for classes, layers, and objects, select View > Multiple View Panes > Use Same Visibilities in All Panes. Deselect the command to set visibilities independently in each view pane.

Edit the drawing in the active view pane; to configure and draw in a different pane, click in the pane or on the pane title flag to make it active.

You can begin a drawing operation in the active pane and conclude it in another pane.

To return to a single view pane, select the command again.

The shortcut key to enable multiple view panes can be customized; see Modifying special shortcuts.

Concept: Multiple drawing views

Changing the multiple view pane layout


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