Design SuiteCreating walls


Tool set




Building Shell


Use the Wall tool to draw straight or curved standard walls or curtain walls, and to join those walls to other walls. Each wall segment is treated as a separate object. Either automatically join walls together when drawing them, or join them after drawing by using one of the joining options. You can also resize walls; insert object such as doors, windows, and columns into them; add and delete peaks in a wall to accommodate height changes; and automatically fit the tops and bottoms of walls to existing objects in the drawing. Standard walls allow you to define the components that make up the wall, and curtain walls permit custom design of frames and panels. Standard wall components and curtain wall frame/panel parts can be created using material resources for an efficient BIM workflow.


Additional wall parameters add the ability to create, save, and use wall styles and to create new wall or component classes during wall creation and editing. In the Vectorworks Architect and Landmark products, walls and their components also have the ability to have their top and bottom boundaries set to the levels of the story, or to the levels of the story above or below the current wall story. The walls can display differently when the design layer cut plane elevation is enabled. In addition, energy-related information specified for walls is considered when conducting an energy analysis.

Walls can be drawn using Vertex mode and the polyline creation options to draw straight and curved walls of different lengths and shapes. Straight walls can be drawn in a basic rectangular configuration using Rectangle mode. There are four ways to position the wall in relation to the control line; the control line can be set relative to either the wall or an optional core component. These modes are activated by the buttons on the Tool bar. See Drawing walls for additional information.



Left Control Line


Walls are drawn along their left sides

Center Control Line

Walls are drawn from the center

Right Control Line

Walls are drawn along their right sides

Custom Control Line/Custom Wall Offset

Walls are drawn from an offset point specified in wall preferences. Setting the offset to be negative offsets the wall to the right of the center line, a positive offset is to the left. Setting a wall offset is most effective when drawing walls containing components.

Wall Control Line

Sets the control line relative to the wall

Core Component Control Line

Sets the control line relative to the wall component that has been designated as the core component in the wall preferences


Draws walls using the selected linear and arc path creation options and the current preference settings


(straight walls only)

Draws a rectangular wall system with two clicks, similar to the Rectangle tool’s Corner to Corner mode

Linear and arc path creation options

For Vertex mode, selects the methods for drawing the path on which the object is based, see Creating polylines

Wall Style

Opens the Resource Selector to select a resource for placement; double-click a resource to activate it


Sets the physical parameters of the wall

See Wall direction for details on how the starting point and direction in which the wall is drawn determines the wall’s interior and exterior sides.

Master snap points cannot be used with the Wall tool.

Drawing walls

Standard wall preferences

Curtain wall preferences

Wall direction

Using wall styles

Creating wall end caps

Creating wall components

Creating walls from spaces

Creating a polygon or polyline from walls

Creating wall features

Editing walls

Automatically joining walls

Framing a wall

Setting up the building structure with stories


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