Spot00060.pngReplacing Instruments 

An individual instrument can be replaced by another type of instrument by choosing the new active symbol in the Resource Browser, and then selecting Replace with Active Symbol in the Object Info palette.

However, this process would be time-consuming for multiple instruments. By using the Replace Instrument command, all the instruments of a particular type can easily be replaced with another type of instrument. Alternatively, a selection of instruments can be replaced with another type of instrument.

Replacing All Instruments of One Type

To replace all the instruments of one type:

1. Select Spotlight > Replace Instrument.

The Replace Instruments dialog box opens.

2. Click Replace All, and then specify the instrument type to be replaced by selecting it from the list.

3. In the Symbol Folders list, select the location of the replacement instrument type. Select the specific instrument type from the Symbols list.

4. Click OK. All instruments of the type specified are replaced with the selected instrument type.

Replacing Selected Instruments

To replace selected instruments:

1. Select the instruments to be replaced.

2. Select Spotlight > Replace Instrument.

The Replace Instruments dialog box opens.

3. Click Replace selected instruments.

4. Specify the location of the replacement instrument type in the Symbol Folders list. Select the specific instrument type from the Symbols list.

5. Click OK. The selected instruments are replaced with the specified instrument type.


Editing Lighting Instruments

Inserting Instruments