Land00038.pngEditing Plant Attributes

Plants are hybrid symbols, containing a 2D symbol, and optionally, a 3D symbol. As plant definitions are created, the plant symbol is automatically imported into the current file and displays in the Resource Browser. Plants are “red” plug-in object symbols (see Symbol Types for information on symbol types). The 2D and 3D plant graphics are scaled by the plant definition height and spread parameters.

Because plants are red symbols, plant attributes cannot be directly set or modified from the Attributes palette. Instead, edit the plant symbol components.

To edit plant symbol attributes:

  1. Select the plant symbol in the Resource Browser. Select Edit from the Resources menu, or select Edit from the Resource Browser context menu.

  2. Alternatively, select a plant in the drawing window, and double-click or select Edit from the context menu.

    The Edit Plant dialog box opens.

  3. Edits to the 2D or 3D components immediately affect all instances of the symbol. Changes to the plant definition affect all future instances of the plant.