Creating Custom Default Content Libraries

To make your own custom content available as default content in the Vectorworks program, use any of the following methods.

    Import custom content into a default content file

    Add a custom content file to a default content folder

    Create a custom content file and place an alias of (Mac) or shortcut to (Windows) that file in a default content folder

Files that contain custom content can be placed in different locations, depending on who needs access to the content. The folder structure must be the same as that of the Vectorworks default content, and if a subfolder exists, the file must be placed in a subfolder. For example, Vectorworks default hatches are in a file in the Vectorworks application folder: [Vectorworks]\Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Hatches. To make your library of custom hatches available in Vectorworks, place a file that contains the hatches in either your user folder or a workgroup folder.

    To create default content for yourself only, put the file in the appropriate subfolder within [User]\Libraries\Defaults (where [User] is the user data folder specified in your Vectorworks preferences). For example, place a hatches file in [User]\Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Hatches. See User Folders Preferences for more information.

    If Vectorworks Design Series products are installed, you can create default content that is project-specific, or that is shared with a workgroup. To do so, put the file on the network in the appropriate subfolder within [Workgroup]\Libraries\Defaults (where [Workgroup] is a workgroup folder specified in your Vectorworks preferences). For example, place a hatches file in [Workgroup]\Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Hatches). When coworkers set up this workgroup folder in their preferences, they also have access to the default content. See Sharing Custom Files with a Workgroup for more information.

The name of the custom library file also affects resource availability in the Vectorworks program.

    To totally supersede the Vectorworks default hatches, use the same name as the hatch file in the Vectorworks application folder (“Hatches_Default.vwx”).

    To make your custom default hatches available along with the Vectorworks default hatches, use a unique name, such as “Custom_Hatches.vwx.”

If a file name is repeated in any of the folders, only the content from one file is shown, according to the following precedence: user folder, workgroup folder, application folder. For example, if the following files exist, only hatches from the file in the user folder show in the hatch list in the Attributes palette in the Vectorworks program.

    [User]\Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Hatches\Hatches_Default.vwx

    [Workgroup]\Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Hatches\Hatches_Default.vwx

    [Vectorworks]\Libraries\Defaults\Attributes - Hatches\Hatches_Default.vwx

If a custom library file contains multiple types of content, the program only displays the content type for the folder that contains the custom file (or an alias or shortcut to the file). For example, if a file contains both wall hatches and textures, and the file is in the Libraries\Defaults\Walls~Slabs~Roofs - Textures folder, only the wall textures are displayed as defaults in the Vectorworks program.

To make the custom library resources available from the Resource Browser only (not as defaults in the interface), place the file in a Favorites folder in either your user folder or a workgroup folder. See Using Favorites Files.

Organizing the Display of Default Content

In many dialog boxes, palettes, and Tool bar lists, the custom and default content are displayed below the content in the current file; each list is in ascending alphabetical order.

To display the custom or current file’s content first in a selection list, implement a naming standard that places the desired content toward the top of the list alphabetically. To view only the current file’s content and/or libraries not in the Defaults folder in a selection list, deselect the Display default content Vectorworks preference.


Creating User Libraries and Workgroup Libraries

Using Resources from Open Files, Favorites, and Libraries

Using the Resource Browser